Things happen in people's lives that change them for the better. Don't give up hope and keep on going to school. Don't give up for other's mistakes because you are a strong individual and will accomplish many great things in life. You don't want a low GPA because your missing so much work from your classes. You need that GPA scholorship that Ashford offers to all students because without that scholarship it will be difficult to pay off your tuition. Just think about the brighter sides of things. Stop feeling down and putting negative thoughts in your head. Your an amazing person and need to keep the reputation up that your the first to attend a 4-year University and actually have a career. Work hard for that 4.0 and don't let anything hold you back.
I would tell myself that even though I think an education isn't important it is more important than I would or could ever know. Without an education I would be stuck in a laborous dead end job with limited ability to succeed. My rate of pay would remain at or below middle class for the rest of my life and I would be extremely unhappy with my job day in and day out till the day I retired. My going to college has changed my whole outlook on life and my future endeavors. Now the world is what I chose to make of it instead of what it choses to make of me. I now have the ability to succeed and I will be capable of being more than just a labor worker. I will be able to better other people's lives as well as my own. When I recieve my bachelors degree I will be respected for the things I know and capable of helping society instead of society having to have to always help me. I will be doing a job I want to do instead of doing what I have to do to survive.
If I could go back in time knowing what I know now about college life I would have stayed in college the first time I attended college. I am a first generation college student in my family, and all I have ever wanted was to purse my dream of graduating from college. I want to be able to provide for my family, and not live from pay check to pay check. College life is not bad at all. I have become a very well rounded individual since I got my first degree as a Medical Assistant. I am now on my way to getting my Bachlor's in Health Care Administration, and if I could go back in time I would have done all of this a long time ago. I would not have struggled as much as I did, and I would have been able to take care of my children a whole lot better. When I walk down that isle to receive my Bachlor's degree that will be one of the most profound days in my life. I will have worked hard to receive this diploma, and overcome many obsticles along the way to get there.
It's okay that you can't decide what to do yet. Don't worry about the pressure and demands to make a decision - you already know that anything you start right now, no matter how glorious, will lose its luster in short order. Rather than forcing yourself into a college path that may or may not lead to where you want to go, just relax. Take some time. You have amazing adventures ahead, and when you get through those, you'll be able to see your choices and options for the future so much more clearly. Yes, physics is so exciting right now, but next year, maybe it will be abstract math, and the year after that, it could be going back to writing fiction novels. The value of what you do is in every day, but when you're investing in your future, make sure that you are certain is the future you want. Trust me on this, the final answer will surprise you, and all the time in between waiting to find the right path will be totally worth it. That certainty will see you through.
I would tell myself not to go for 2 different associate degrees. To have a set plan of what I want to do and stick to it without taking any breaks in between.
Chin up little girl, it'll get better! You'll get your act together, trust me. When you think you have hit rock bottom, somehow you will manage to get back on your feet. That breakup is not the end of your love life, and that grade that made you cry will not ruin your chances at a "better life". You'll be ok, in fact, you'll be great! Highschool is only the beginning, college is the middle, and you will find yourself someday standing at the finish line, with that famous shirley temple grin on your face!
Upon graduating college I would have educated myself on the school’s curriculum first and also applied for more scholarships. I would have taken some pre- college courses to prepare me for the type of courses I would have taken in college. I would have encouraged myself to read and studied hard in high school and to not been so focused on sports and having fun. I realized that college was a full-time job that required every part of you to be successful. I would tell myself to be more open to other individual’s views and backgrounds. There are many different people in college, I would encourage myself to get out there and meet everyone that I could. I would tell myself to value my high school and education and experience because once it’s over, you will have to fend for yourself in college.
Stay focused on school and not the social life too much
If I were to go back in time and give myself advice, I would say that time mangement is essential to know. To manage your time you must manage your study time, work, and social events. You must also must be able to put them in order, for example. Which would you put first a social event or your study time for a test in two days? The answer is obvious, but it is up to the individual to decide . Another major factor in college is managing your money some will need to obtain a job, but make sure you only work what you can handle, because if you are working and not able to put in study tim for classes it defeats the purpose. My reccomendation is to work a maximum of 20 hours a week or work summers and save every penny.
I would tell myself to wait a couple of more years before having children. Even though I would never change my life as it is now, if I could tell my high school self to do something different, it would be to wait on the children. Having children and trying to complete my graduate degree for school counseling has been hard both financially and personally. I have had to accumulate a number of student loans and hold a full time job to ensure my children are taken care of. I would tell myself to wait until I have completed my graduate degree to have children, both to help financially and personally. Financially because any money going towards my children could go towards my student loans, however for now I must find other ways.