(Formerly Ashford University)

University of Arizona Global Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona Global Campus know before they start?


I have learned to manage my time in order to balance my home life with school life. I have learned new aspect of the business world by taking Business law. I have also become skilled at Microsoft Office suite, which is pertinent in almost every business office environment. I have also learned that is a must not to plagiarize, and that every author deserves to be given credit for information used by students in research. It is never a wise idea to procrastinate because it will significantly affect grades.


I have got so much out of going to college. My first two years I went to school on campus which is where I met my wonderful husband. College has helped me become the person I am today. It has helped me learn that I can do things on my own. When I moved to the dorms my sophmore year of college, I was scared. It was going to be the first time I was going to be away from my parents. But as time went by I learned that I could go to work and go to school and make sure everything was done on my own. I have taken a lot from college. And I am excited about what else I can take from it.


My college experience has given me an opportunity to make a difference in my life. College has helped me to learn and understand the path that I want to follow for myself. It has given me a chance to make something of myself. To prove that I can go into the world and make a difference whether it be for myself or for someone I do not even know. Attending college has opened so many more doors for me. It is giving me the choice to be what I want to be. I'am able to explore the options that college has presented for me. Attending college has given me an insight into what I want to do for the rest of my life and the path that I want to follow.


My college expereince started out a little rough. I went to a local college for a year and a half. While in that college, I was placed in remedial classes which I did not need. The classes just made me feel that I wasn't getting anything accomplished. My college academic career was going no where, so I dropped out. I took time off to work and figure out what to do with my life. After working for a few years as a daycare teacher. Although it's a fulfilling job, it doesn't pay very good at all. I made the decision to go back to school and my best option was online. I chose Ashford University because it had the major I wanted and also it is accredited and top rated. I love school now. I really feel like I'm accomplishing something. I have a very strong GPA (3.7) and I feel great about all of my classes. My new obstacle is money so I am applying for any scholarship I'm eligible for to make it possible for me to continue. Overall< Ashford has gievn me a brand new outlook on attending college.


I am working on finishing my degree so that I can reach out and help children and families in my community. I feel that my experience from living here as well as the life that I have lived will help me to better serve the families in my community that need help. The ability to provide them with resources that they can use to help make life better for them and their family. I will be able to help parents learn how to advocate for their children and what they need.


When I graduated High school it was recommended that I go to college. The problem I had was that I had no idea what I wanted to do, so college wasn't that important to me. I partied to much and had no drive, so I droped out. I was working at my minium wadge, part-time job for almost a year, and one day I woke up and said to myself that I do not want to do this for the rest of my life. I saved up to get back into Lake Land Community so that I could make my grades and get my GPA back up so that I could transfer to Eastern Illinois University. I wanted to transfer to EIU so that I could get into the R.O.T.C. program and I could get my college paid for. My experiance has taught me that what Ever I want to do, I can acheive if I put my mind to it.


This is my first semester in college so all of everythign I have learned so far is new to me and So far everything I have learned in the last 4 weeks has been very beneficial. I am learning a lot about college writing, I have learned that their is a huge difference in college writing and in everyday writing. I have also learned about motivation and learning types. This is an awesome learning experience especailly since I have been out of school for almost 9 years now. I am anxious and more then willing to learn more then I have ever been.


I have gotten different views of the world through learning many different topics from my college experience. I have also learned that people can make a difference in their community by going to college becuase they better educate which they then can go educate others. My parents never finished college and I have seen how important college really is; sure there are people who tel lyou that college isn't important but now, I don't believe them. College is one of the most important steps that a person can make because they learn more knowledge about the world as well as themselves. Attending college is very valuable because being able to learn new topics and seeing the world through different people's eyes, is always a pleasure. I would stay in school as long as I could because I just love to learn but finding a job and having money to live off of, is a little more important. I will always value my education in college and will continue to better myself so I can better others.


I'm working on my Bachelor's in Health and Human Services after receiving an Associate's in Executive Secretarial Science in 1977. Going to Ashford University on line has been the answer to my prayers!


Although, I have not yet attended college, the appliciant process has been quite an experience. I will be the first person in my household to pursue higher education. My dream/goal has been to become a high school history teacher and coach. I was diagnoised with Dyselexia in fourth grade, and because of that I want to show other young people, that it is possible to get a higher education, if you work hard, set goals and surpass them as I have.