(Formerly Ashford University)

University of Arizona Global Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona Global Campus know before they start?


Make sure that which ever you choose that you are willing to commit to a long term investment. Make sure that no mater what find the one that fits most of your needs.


Pick a college that, of course, offers the curriculum and education you are seeking, but out of the colleges that offer that, find the one that matches YOU as a student. If you're from a small town like I am, going to a huge state university can feel overwhelming- why I chose a school that has a rural setting with small class sizes. Before picking a school be sure to visit the campus to get a feel for it- you can be enrolled at the best educational school in the country, but if you're not happy with your surroundings you won't be happy studying for 4+ years!


Let your children pick their major, don't pick it for them. Make sure they have the passion and desire to make it through their degree program.


pick the right one for and make sure its affordable!


My first advise to everyone is to not make the mistake not attending college right out of high school. The chance of ever going then is not very good. Next, I tell them to figure out what kind of education the student wants to recieve and where. I then let them know that there are an abundance of resources to finance the education along with scholarships. Also, never to worry about how much they might have in loans because it is truly and investment on the future, and they will make that back a million fold. The other comparison I make for them is that they might go finance a $50,000 car with zero return and not think twice. There are so many ways to make the most out of college and the experience. First and foremost is to make the grade. Secondly get involved in anyway that one can. The joys and learning of college really are outside of the classroom. You receive another form of eduaction there. Lastly, I have found your best lifelong friends come from college.


Get it done while your young! Don't waste your money on college by NOT taking the time to study and learn. Try to figure out your life's direction before your mid-20's -even if you change your mind later. Never feel too old to learn. Don't forget to care of people first, build a good character, develop good ethics, and do what's right.