When choosing a college the parents/student should search for the school where the student can succeed and have support in their journey toward earning their degree. This would give the student the drive to do well and study hard. The school should have a variety of extra-curricular activities in which the student is interested in order the student can have time to enjoy oneself as well as be social. The best advice I could give prospective students and parents of college bound students would be to search for the most suitable college for not anyone else but for them or their child, with the desire to become a more educated and determined person.
Make sure the finances are in place before starting the school.
I would advise parents and students alike to get as much information about the college or colleges that they or their children plan to attend. Information to consider would be degree's offered, housing and financial cost, and tutoring programs.
Just do it.....If I can go back to college anyone can!
As an adult student I wanted ti find a college which would provide me with a great education, committment and affordabilty. I found this at Ashfor University. I would suggest that you take your education experience serious and apply yourself in every class. Learning is priceless, reach your goals!
I think that the best advice to give to someone about finding the right college and making the most of the experience is to try and have some idea of how far they plan to go. I personally chose Ashford online because I work full-time and have three small children, it worked best for me. I graduated with a 4.0 but it was not easy. College is something you really have to want to do. You need to know what you want to achieve in the end and choose a school that is most likely to get you to your goal. To get the most out of the expierience you really should participate as much as possible with your peers and your instructor. Life is short and deciding how you want to live it depends largely on who you choose to become, so choose wisely.
Visit the college before ever deciding to go to it.
Colleg is very important because it allows you to be all that you can be. By receiving a good education, it can allow all your dreams to come true. I went to college 17 years ago and receive my AAS degree and here I am again, back in school to better my knowledge and expand on my eduaction. I am 38 years old and I am still making new goal and going back to school to achieve them.
The advice i would give to the parents is to have patients and explore the options and research the credentials of the colleges and the students to be satisfied. And evaluate each college deparment on the concentration to see which school has the stronger goal to achieve for students.