(Formerly Ashford University)

University of Arizona Global Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona Global Campus know before they start?


Advice I would give myself would be that which I give my children. Do not look at a continuing education as a burden, as you do high school. College education is different, you are your teacher in many ways. You control what you want to learn and how you are going to learn it. There are no teachers breathing down your neck, you are the one who will be responsible for yourself. College is not just an educational experience for those just graduating high school. College is an experience in responsibility for oneself, learning about great friendships and transitioning from youth to adulthood. Do not be afraid of these transitions, they come to you as you do not even notice. As a young college student you will enjoy the remaining part of your youth while looking forward to the rest of your life. You can take this time to build a foundation for everything you may want to see in the future, but also have the realization there will be unforseen events that may command a detour. No matter how many of these detours are ahead, keep your eyes on the road. You will get to the destination eventually.


I took a year off after high school and only managed to get myself into massive trouble; so the first piece of advice would definitely be, ?Get started immediately!? Taking a year off did nothing but give me time to revel in my own uselessness. Instead of floundering without a purpose, I should have been working towards something. I would be sure to tell myself, ?Don?t stick to what you know?go explore.? One semester I needed an art credit and got ?stuck? in a class called The Art of Jazz. Never have I been a jazz fan, but the teacher was so passionate that it was contagious. I also worked on the campus television station for two years. What could I have found had I actually been looking? The most important concept, and the hardest to grasp, is ?Your education is vital.? I let it slide and screwed around, wasting my parents money, until I found in my third year I was pregnant. I had my daughter when I was 23. I could have been done. Instead, I have been a welfare mom or worked two jobs for my daughter?s entire life and am still in school.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself " Davlin you need to complete college before you get married. You should never let fear keep you from pursuing your dreams. What ever you do don't listen to your parents when they tell you not to become a nurse. This is what you have always wanted to do and you know it ! Follow your Heart!!!!


I have often thought about the college related choices I made while I was in high school. And I usually end up thinking about how I would do things differently or I wish I had someone to guide me better in my decisions. I have been out of high school for almost four years and if given the opportunity would fly back in time and help myself. I would go back and tell myself, "Catrina, don't choose the private university, choose the public university that won't cost so much but will still give you the great education you are looking for. Better yet, start at a community college first. It will save money in the long run and you still get a great college experience." In high school I had a teacher that told me, "Don't worry about the cost right now. Don't let that be a determining factor in which school you choose." I would go back in time and tell myself not to listen to that teacher. You can get a good education at any kind of college as long as you do your research and it doesn't have to cost alot.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, knowing what I knw now, I would tell myself to work hard at what ever you do. If you don't do it to please anyone, do it to please yourself. Get good grades even if you have no desire to go to college right away because you will desire to go in a couple of years. There are scholarships available to help you to pay for your tuition but you have to have good grades in school to receive them. You are going to need them because your husband's illness will be unexpected. Your children are all going to be gifted and will desire to go to college. They will struggle with their father's illness so their grades will be up and down. They will need scholarships and grants. You will need to be knowlegable about what's available to you and your family. Your family is going to help alot of children with the work that you all are going to do. So work hard and pray hard. Your family is going to need you. Your community is going to need you.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I'd advise myself to pay more attention in school. Be a better high school student and go on to college after high school. I would tell myself the college life is the way to better paying jobs andthat I can become the teacher that I always wanted to be at lot sooner by going to college right after high school.


High school does not adequately prepare students for college. In college, you are 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} responsible for classroom assignments, homework, tuition, obtaining books, and prioritizing your time. There is no one telling you when to study. I would tell myself to get organized and schedule study time. The teachers go at a fast pace. More likely than not, when you are not attending classes, you are studying or completing an assignment. Another piece of advice I would give myself is to start a study group. In addition to forcing you to study, it can help you understand the material better if you have to explain it to someone else. In this process, you also need to find out how you learn best. Utilize the resources the school offers, such as the library or tutors. There may be rooms in the school's library that offers a quiet place to get lost in your notes. My final piece of advice to myself would be to read my notes the next day and keep reading them every week or so throughout the semester. This will help retention a great deal so you don't have to cram before the tests.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college, the first thing I would tell myself is to not wait to continue my education. I would also tell myself to take my education seriously and commit myself to it 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. I would tell myself that it is ok to have fun but even though it seems like a long time to be back in school the rewards will pay off in the end. There is still plenty of time to have fun with friends but my studies need to be my main focus for now.


I would tell myself to remember my goals when things get rough and to never give up. I would make sure that my head is clear and ready to face all challenges that come along with college life. I would also tell myself to never let the advantage of being able to attend college pass me by cause I may never get another chance to reach my goals in life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell myself to consider all options. I have tried the traditional method and the online method. I have found that online is faster paced and works better for me. College is well worth the money and time as long as you go with something that makes you happy and meets your needs the most. I would also tell myself to remember to take time and enjoy life too, because college is the experience of a lifetime.