Take your time and research the campuses and their programs. Inquire about the curriculum and course load to make sure it fits with what you are looking for. Also, take the time to find out which colleges offer tuition discounts for unique situations. For example, my college offers a flat tuition rate for every class at a discount because my husband is in the military. Therefore, all of my classes cost a flat, discounted rate no matter what level of class they are. Once you are in college commit to studying hard. College is demanding, much like a job, as it requires time and effort in order to make the most of the experience. You will get out of it only what you are willing to give. By the same token it is rewarding and allows students to continue plunging forward toward the light at the end of the tunnel.
I would tell parents and/or students before choosen any college make sure the college offers what you need to furfil your degree choice. When you find the right school stay focused and always remember you will have some bad days along with good. Do not give up in the end it will all pay off.
Choosing a facility to further your education is a very difficult decision. It is not just something that can be thought about in a matter of minutes or days. This choice should take up to weeks or months. Do not ever choose a school based on the fact that your friends are going there. Choose a university that is right for you based on many different aspects. Whether or not you are social and want a big school to make numerous friends or if you want a small campus because it is a better learning experience. Choose a school that offers your interests in learning and social activities. These are what make colleges so much more exciting than what they seem. College is a privilege and every individual deserves an opportunity to pursue their education.
Take your time. Prepare early and take advantage of every opportunity afforded to you. Never take for granted you have everything under control stay in control.
There are several advice that I would give parents whose children will be attending college , the most important of these would be make sure the college is the right suit for your child. Also look into what kinds of scholarships and grants that are available. Take into account whether it would be cost effective to attend college in state or out of state. Take into consideration the best college in relations to your child's major. Remember to give your child some sound advice. As my mother always says "The college does not make you, you make the college."
The advice that I would offer to parents and prospective students is to make sure and thoroughly examine, as many schools as possible, to determine your final choice. The degree that you will receive is an important decision in the rest of your life's career. Not only is the cost important, but, the type of campus, learning environment, and future benefits of the university are critical to the total quality education for each individual. Most importantly, do not rush into any decision on the school choice you want to attend. Each parent and/or student should research, examine, network, and physically tour each school, under consideration, before making a final decision. The decision is considered to be one of the most important decisions an individual will make in their life time.
Make sure that it fits your wants and needs in a University. Keep looking if the first choice is not right for you.
I would have to say find a college that has all you want. If you want to play sports find a college were you can get your education plus play the sport you want to play. If you want just a good education find a college that will challenge you with all of your education needs. Make sure that you want to go to college before you go, because college is hard and demanding. I will tell you this it will be easier on you if you go to college right out of high school, because the longer you want the harder it gets.
Consider multiple options and apply for all the financial aid options that are available to you. Make a day to sit down with your family and go over all the paperwork. FAFSA is your best friend! Also, you can make it through all your classes. It seems difficult at first, but all you have to do is begin, and then before you know it, you'll be finished with it. Just keep going, and organization is key. Manage your time well so that you can balance school, work, family, and friends without hurting yourself financially or academically.
Be sure to visit different schools even one's you feel are not worth visiting. You will find that smaller universities are friendly and make it more enjoyable while learning. There are more hands on and one-on-one contact in all of your classes. Remember you will be there the next four to five years so you might as well enjoy it.