Finding the right college is a major decision that is very personal. Relax, allow yourself time to research different schools. The college your friend went to may not suit you. Think about things like if you want to live on campus or attend online. You know yourself better than anyone. Figure out your basic wants; compile a list from the library and internet or bookstore of accredited colleges that reflect your needs. Now it?s time to talk to an advisor. Careful now, some advisors are great salespeople. Advisors should be helpful, not pressuring. Advisors will guide you and help with overall costs, financial aid/loan availability, transferred courses, etc. Feel free to ask advisors questions about campus life, online programs, and diversity. With this information, you can visit the colleges or do virtual tours online and start applying. To make the most of your college experience, you will need to find a balance between your social life and academics. With the right school, curriculum, and desire to reach your goal it will be personally rewarding. The results of your decision will affect you for the rest of your life, so make a sound decision about your education.
Finding the right college can often be a stressful and nail-biting experience. Many hours are spent deciding which colleges to apply for, and which one to eventually attend. Having experienced this myself, my greatest advice would be to follow your heart. Don't do what others are doing, or go somewhere for the name or location. Go to a place that makes you happy. Most of the classes, teachers, and other students are going to be the same where ever you go. So instead to a college that you may be unhappy with down the road, go to a place where you truly feel comfortable. Life is more about experience than anything. Thats why we go to college. To obtain experience. Thats what employers want, and thats why it is so important. It is expensive, and time consuming, but completely worth all the tears and fears.
If you really want it, you can make it happen no matter what, you just need the power to move on it.
The choice to make for attending college is very important, there are many questions you should ask before making the final decision. In considering your field of study, make certain your choices of colleges offer what you are looking for. It is wise to talk to an Academic COunselor, with their knowledge and information, many of the questions you need aswered, will be. Check with the finacial aid office, there are some avenues they can pursue for you and others they will advise to you that you may be able to secure. Please consider your need of housing as well, many locations have housing on campus and suitable housing off campus. Please consider if you are in need of parking on or near campus, some require fees or permits to use these facilities. The decision you make i for your future, choosing the right one will help you attain your goal. To learn is progress, an education is valuable, together they are priceless to one's mind.
Be willing to work hard and believe in yourself when discouragement starts to creep in.
Do as much research as possible. In the research process, make sure you speak with actual students and ask them the questions you want answers to.
To take college serious and do your very best. It is the starting point to the future.
College searches doesn't have to begin and end with the Ivies and the name brand schools. Students need to examine their self and the reasons for going to college before they start their search. These are helpful questions: Why, really, are you going? What are your abilities and strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you want out of life, something tangible or intangible?
Think about the people in your life who are happy and successful and find out where (and if) they went to college. Ask the same about "famous" people.
Look for the college that has an interest in what you want to do. Find one that will get you to your career quickly and affordably without any run arounds. Tell them what you're looking for and find the ones that deliver. Don't deal with all the little loops, cut to the chase.
I believe that the most important thing to remember in your search for the the right college is that the college must fit into your life. I am a non-traditional student, returning to studies after having a career and a family. I had to find a college which would work into my busy schedule as a business owner, a mother, a wife and a volunteer. I found this in a college which allowed for me to earn a degree completely online. That college is Ashford University in Iowa. I have been thrilled that I have been able to continue with all the important things in my life, and add college courses as well. This December, I will earn my bachelor's degree. There is no way this would have been possible without the convenience of online courses. By finding a college which fit well with my busy lifestyle, I was able to complete my educational goals.