You have to make sure it is right for you or you will not last.
Really research each choice, see what others are saying about that college online and if you plan to attend at the campus, go and visit. I attend on-line and it is very different when you don't spend time at your school and have to get your work done without the structure of time, and classes. Find what works best for you.
When seeking the right college for someone certain ideas and advice come to mind. One should seek a college that has an aire of personal care and undretsanding for each individual student. A faculty that cares and actually responds to each student with the time and respect that they deserve. Pay attention to the signs as one goes through the admission process. Ask questions, whether they be little or too big to answer. Look for diversity. Diversity is beneficial to every single person because outside of that campus one may be at for four years or more, the real world is one big mixing pot and at some point or another everyone will have to deal with people from all types of religions, races, and backgrounds. Having that diversity around will also help to make individuals more tolerant and less stressed around ideas that they may not understand completely which could benefit their success in the business world. Be sure to ask about any available resources that can be used to help with completing the college degree in easiest possible way.; such as 24/7 tutoring, research search engines with academically correct sources, and around the clock technical help.
As a single mother of three children, I've realized how imperative it is to stay focused on your goals and to constantly review and revise your goals as you progress through your education. As you grow and mature intellectually your ideas and dreams will change and unfold and that can be a great motivator to attaining the end result. Life is all about growing and getting better everyday and when you have a network of other students and professors that are on the same page that you are and working towards similar goals in their lives, it's almost like having a second family. We all need that network of people to keep us sustained when the road seems less traveled and then we can still get up in the morning and push on and become.
Make sure that you feel ok with where you child is going to attend college.
Take your time and look into everything that the school you're looking into has what you want. Take advantage of your advisor's help whenever possible, because they are there to help you.
Don't be afraid of the unconventional--sometimes it's the best way.
My advice is hope you have all information needed to complete your major. This is my fifth attempt at college because I always have been given bad advice in how many credits I need. I teach physical education with a certified teacher in my class at all times. I am a high school basketball and volleyball coach because of my experience I just need that piece of paper to get my Bachelors in education.
Choose a school that meets your academic needs.
The best advice I can give perspective students and/or parents is to research several schools before making a choice. If possible, you should visit the campus during both the day and night to see what the true environment is like. If the colleges have online forums, I would also read the comments to determine if there are unseen problems that may affect your decision. Look at all of the pros and cons and make an informed decision and not an impulsive one.