I should have done this a long time ago.
Go to College NOW!!! Don't wait untill you are 30 and have a family to support!
If I knew what I knew now about my college experience, I would have made a change to study harder and look more into a college that had the best opportunity for me and go away to college. I would have applied to a college that I know would have made me completely happy where I can study a major I know I would be able to find a good paying job to help secure my future.
I wouldn't change anything, other than to say that I'd study harder to get better grades.
I would not have gone to college right out of high school. I would have taken a year off to travel with an organization or group that would allow me to broaden my perspective on what I want to do with my life. Doing this, I would have also saved my mother a lot of money. By going to college right out of my senior year, I was not responsible and did not have a plan or goal for myself, and ultimately I transferred out of my first college because I was not going to class and was depressed. Thankfully, I went back home for school at a community college and then transferred to Liberty, where I am now. Thing are working out and I'm blessed to have been led to this school! There are many things I wish I had known before college, but honestly, I do not think I would take back the way anything played out because looking back, everything that seemed unfortunate really led me to Liberty where I belonged in the first place. It just took those experiences on the rough road for me to realize it. It all worked in perfect timing.
Dont put college off the longer you wait will effect your job choices. One good thing about school is it opens you up to a whole new world. Continue reading even if you arent in school. Reading is important to expanding your vocabulary. No matter how hard times get tough school out regardless it will pay off in the long run.
I would tell myself going back to school and persuing an education is the most important decision you could ever make and making those sacrifices in order to complete your education is crucial. College life takes determination, sacrifice, scheduling, giving 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} when doing an assignment and attending to your school work on a daily basis will make you a success. Keep these things in mind everytime you think you can't do it because if you keep it in your mind you can do this and complete your edcuational goals, you can feel this great accomplishment and success will be yours. Don't listen to people who are trying to talk you out of an education because of money limitations because it will all work out, just believe and you can do it.
Do it. When you are young and have the energy, time, money and are not tied down with relationships and responsibilities- that is the BEST time to get an education. I was raised in an Amish community, so I was not permitted to go to high school/college as a teenager. After I was married, my husband and I left the Amish, and I got my GED so that I could pursue my life-long dream of going to college. But, it is so much harder now- times are hard, we have kids, we're living on my husband's paycheck, taking out student loans, and trying to juggle school with parenting. It's doable with some determination, but it's much harder. If I could go back in time, and have the opportunity to go to high school, and then straight to college, I would tell myself- "Do it! Dream big, fly high, and never miss an opportunity to chase your goals. There's always a tomorrow, but there's never a better today."
Being in touch with who you are is most important in success. Discovering your interests early on and spending time with individuals who share those same interests, affords a solid road of guidance. Spend as much time as possible around inspiring successful individuals, as their words and action our nourishment promoting a spirit of enthusiasm. Above all, realize that you are not alone in your struggles to be successful. Be as patient and compassionate with yourself as you are with others. Always be empathetic, knowing that you are a member of a mass, diverse society,which is your most advantageous resource of learning.
When locating a university to attend choose on- campus courses along with online courses. Prior to admission communicate with students and staff their opinion offers the greater insight. Question their experience with the university; its policies and procedures. Attend a four year university from the start. Two year community college credits are undermined when entering a higher learning institutions. Most important, be diligent by entering college directly following high school. There is much to be said of the old cliche' "If you don't use it, you'll loose it."
Focus on your future, set goals, and make the appropriate choices to reach your goals. Always believe in yourself and learn to decipher all lessons that are being taught. Every situation, good or bad, has a lesson to be learned. Recognize the lesson, accept the lesson, and use the lesson taught to strengthen your ability to reach all goals.