(Formerly Ashford University)

University of Arizona Global Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona Global Campus know before they start?


I would have told myself to not fool around. Friends will come and go but your education is here to stay. I would've told myself to work harder and create better study habits. I would've kept myself focused and more on point. I also would've told myself to go straight to college full time instead of waiting.


My number one piece of advise would be that there is no right time to go to school and if you are smart you will start right away and get it done. If you wait you will regret it and wish that you would have known then what you know now. When you are fresh from high school you have no responsabilities and all the time in the world. If you wait you will only make it harder by adding a family and life obligations to your list of things to do and won't be able to concentrate on on your studies the way that you wish you could. Start school now, don't wait!


If I could go back into time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself to focus on my grades, stay involved in school activities, save extra money from my part-time job. I would go on different college tours to see what each college has to offer and to see how one different from the other. I would apply for every scholar that I can. I would have taken the SAT twice if I wasn't happy with the first scores that I received. I would get all of my Financial Aid and school information in before time and I would not have waited until the last minute. I would have also asked my counslor for more information about college. I learned that you pay for what you don't know. If I would have known then what I know now, I would not only be a proud parent of 4, but I would be a proud successful college grad and business owner with as few students loans to pay back as possible.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to never give up. Getting your degree takes time and patience, something I often forget from time to time. I would also tell myself to relax, and take life one day at a time. College is often overwhelming, and I need to remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I will get there. It takes time to get where you want in school and to keep my chin up. Deciding to futher your education after high school is a big decision and one that I would never change, but yes, it is very expensive and challenging and often stressful. So my biggest piece of advice I would give myself is, keep your chin up and keep trucking because I going to get to the end of the tunnel no matter what.


I would definately have to say that I would tell myself to pay more attention and study hard. Listen to my teachers and counselors and strive for excellence. Being in college makes me feel so good about myself and the future I am looking foward to for me and my family. I do not know why everyone else would not want this same feeling. I feel on top of the world when I am studying knowing that one day, having a college degree will better my ilife for myself and my children. if I could go back and whisper these words into my ears, I would have continued college right out of high school. I would tell myself to set a great example for my children and other family members who have not continued to broaden their educations.




Going to college is one of the most important factors that affect the rest of your life. Completing college should be a top priority. With this in mind, looking for a college based upon its reputation is not the best way to decide upon the college to attend. Look for a school that best fits your personality and will keep you interested in finishing the degree program. The cost of attending a college should not be as high of a priority. An expensive college may be worth the cost if that school has the ability to keep you attending until you get your degree, but if it doesn't keep your interest, it is just a waste of money. The same is true of a more budget conscientious school, but again, if you don't finish, you still have wasted your money.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself about college I would tell myself how important it is for me to go because without a higher education I wont be able to find a good career and and make a stable income in my future. I would tell myself to do research on the school and to not choose my school based on an impulsive decision.I would give myself the opportunity to acknowledge the priviledge I have that children in other countries dont, to better myself and my future. I would show myself the opportunities I could gain and financial aid I was eligible since my family wasn't supporting my decision to go to school. I would give myself the opportunity to realize that getting involed with activities in school can help better my chances of a scholarship and help pay for my tuition and books. I would remind myself that after all the physical and mental abuse I suffered as a child, that, that wasnt the end of my life and I have so much more to see and exerience when I go to college


If I could go back to being a senior in high school, I would tell my self to buckle down and study harder. I would tell myself to take advance placement classes. I guess I would also have told myself to save every dollar I could so that I could have afforded to go to college after highschool. I also would have taken high school a lot more seriously.


Going back in time I wouldnt tell myself anything. I wouldnt give myself advice, so that I could be ready for the work that it will take to earn my degree, and have the immiturity out of my system. Starting school four years after my graduating class really made me understand the value of an education. Working for everything that I have, as well as paying for school to me makes it more desireable, and makes it feel like a achievement. I feel that there really isnt any good advice to give myself, for I have already gotten myself were I am today. Personally I feel this has been the right path for me.