Take your time to discover your talents and what you really want to do with your life. Don't allow others to pressure you into giving up your dreams. Remember that you are smart and that you will make your goals. Don't wait until later to finish. Do it now!
If I had to go back in time, I would of made the choice of returning to school right after high school instead of waiting until my 40's. I went back to school so I could become a teacher myself, I look around and it just seems to me that where I live in Texas, the school systems are more worried about the TAKS test than teaching the basic's. Lots of freshmen going to college have no idea on how to do certain kinds of work because all they ever did was to study for the TAKS text. So I want to give back to the young people of our country. I start my masters in education in the fall, and I hope to land a TA position somewhere. Thank You, Craig Bumgardner
During my senior year I was more concerned with graduating and getting out of high school than I was with preparing for college, at least not at first. If I had the opportunity to go back I would tell myself to be more organized about applying to schools because then I would be able to make a more informed decision. I feel that knowing as much as possible about the school you decide to go to is very important and it will make the transition easier. Also I would tell myself that having a set schedule and self discipline is very important in making sure that you get your work done on time. I would also tell myself that this is an important time in a person's life so remember that you need to enjoy it and have fun and try not to stress over the little things.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition I would have joined the military sooner and I would have taken my courses at the community college a little more seriously. Because my grade point average was not so great in high school, the only college/university that would accept me was a community college. I did not have a plan as to what I would have liked to do once I got out of college, so because of this, I changed my major and stayed at the community college for six years. After graduating, I decided to join the military at a later time in my life. After going through this, I would have told myself to join the military sooner. The military has given me an opportunity to travel, broaden my mind, meet many people from different places. It has also given me an opportunity to go back to school for free so I can better myself.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to wait to go to school. I put off going to college for 20 years. I am 38 and have began taking on-line classes. I am a full time student, and have a full time job. I think it would have been much easier to go to college right after leaving high school, rather that waiting so many years. The transition of going back to school has been hard. Since I am not in the habit of having to study, I am struggling now more that I would have if I had gone to college right after leaving high school. I am very motivated to succeed. I know I will earn my degree in psychology, but I do think it would have been easier if I had completed my degree years ago.
Jamie, this is your future self.
I'm here to let you know, you will constantly make the decision to attend school in the future and I want to thank you. These decisions will pay off every single time with great employment, good pay and experience in professions you never dreamed of. Don't let yourself down OK? It won't come for free, you have to work like you've never worked up to this point. I'm your personal telescope into the future and I am telling you now, I am proud of who you became. In such a competitive job market, the only ammunition you ever had to help you pull ahead of the pack was your education and you stock-piled! You showed me that with knowledge, you can go some places, but with education, you can go anywhere you want to.
You have to be brave when you feel scared and strong when you feel weak to be a success in this life. You've shown me that you are capable of more than you give yourself credit for. Share your strength with others in your community and with any school you attend.
I would tell myself that college is a time to follow your dreams and not to get discouraged by the obstacles of everyday life. I would also tell myself to take advantage of every financial and learning resource available becuase you never know what lies around the corner. There are hardships for everyone. If you just keep pushing on and hold your head up high, you can achieve all of your dreams and more. You will cry and you will hurt, but you must, above all else, remain persistent. There will be times that you will fail before you get it right. Always remember that failure does not mean that the dream you have chosen is not for you, it just means that you should take a step back, re-evaluate your current path, and search for a new direction. Life is ever changing and sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Always remain positive and tell yourself that failure is not and option, it is a state of mind.
Dear Young Woman,
You may have grown tired of school. You may feel that you need a break. You may feel that you want to go an experience the world. You may feel that you will have plenty of time to go to school, later. Activities with friends are just more exciting right now. This is all understandable at your age. However, I would like to express to you that the summer will end. The exciting events will quiet, and you will be left wondering, "what next?"
Do not allow your vivacious spirit to be found working as a retail associate surrounded by regretful women twice your age. Understand that education will be the key to the car that will gain you many exciting experiences that you want. Do not be afraid of the challenge to buckle down for a little longer. This will only be a stepping stone towards your dreams.
You can have it all. You can travel the world with education. Establish who you are, free from added responsibility.
Whatever you choose, never lose the spirit at any age, that says, "Yes, I can!"
If I could address myself as a high school senior, Ihere's what say:
1. Plan on staying in one college until you finish your degree because you'll lose credits if you transfer.
2. Attempting too many classes in one term is unrealistic. Take fewer courses and divide your study time equally between them.
3. With no financial help from parents, you should apply for scholarships rather than taking on energy-draining and time-consuming part-time jobs. Limit part-time work so that you can devote enough time to study and sleep.
4. Take care of your health. Avoid too much partying. Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise and proper nutrition.
Your brain needs these for optimal functioning.
5. No matter what is going on, never give up.
Develop the heart. Too much energy is spent on developing the mind so also develop the heart.
Be compassionate, not just to your friends but to everyone.
Work for peace, in your heart and in the world.
And I say it again: Never give up.
No matter what is happening, no matter what is going on around you,
Never Give Up.
(paraphrased from His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV)
College is one of the most important choices you can make in your life. The choice of which college or which degree you are going to complete is a very stressful decision. Making this choice during your senior year of high school can help you to progress through college quickly but changing this decision in the future is not something to fear either. People make career changes many times throughout life. The important thing is that the individual has a college degree behind them that allows them to make these changes. Lifelong learning is what will allow you to choose what type of career you want to pursue. Make your own choices don't wait for others to make them for you.