(Formerly Ashford University)

University of Arizona Global Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona Global Campus know before they start?


I am a parent returning to school to complete a goal of mine and knowing what I know now, the practical advice I would tell the "senior" me, is don't wait! If you decide to start a family right away it gets harder to continue with an education, because "life" sets in, and your education seems to fall to the waist-side. Before long, you are 40 and you yourself have kids that are nearing high school graduation. However, on the other hand, I know a lot more now than I did then. In this regard, much of what I know is that not everybody that received their education right after high school are still interested in those professions. They have changed; their interests then are not the interests they have now, in some cases their education is not serving them well. At this point in my life, I am enjoying what I am learning and I want to learn; not sure that I could have said that 18 years ago. I have zero regrets, but I have a son who is going to be a senior soon, I have and will stand by the advice, don't wait.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a senior I would tell myself to be patient, that this will be hard but worth it in the end. College life is a lot different than high school, there is no longer someone else to answer to, only yourself. If you fail that failure is yours and yours alone, you must pull from inside yourself and accomplish all the great things that you know you are capable of. This will not be a walk in the park, you will work hard and you will sacrifice some fun to accomplish this task. In the end this will be the best investment of your time that you have ever accomplished, this can take you so much farther than you ever dreamed it would.


If I could go back in time I would definately want to change knowing what I know now. At that point I didn't care as long as I passed all my high school classes and I graduated. I wasn't thinking about college all I knew is I wanted to get out of high school. I don't regret my decision, but at the same time I do know that I needed to change. Now I work two jobs having to get up so early in the morning, come home, and then go to the next one just to survive. I always planned on going to school and applying then I pushed it aside. I only took one year off but I pushed myself to apply. I the best advice I would give myself is, work is not everything. Go to college, prosper, and be something more than what you are now. College, in the end, will be worth it.


As a high school senior, I was at a very emotional, pivotal time in my life. I was a foster child, and although I had taken AP courses, taken the SATs, ACTs and AP tests in order to go straight to college, I couldnt bring myself to live with strangers any longer. I decided to get an apartment, and then had to take in my siblings as they aged out of the system in the next two consecutive years. I remember the turmoil I was feeling, the mixed emotions, and the sense of responsibility I felt to care for my siblings and put off my education for yet another year. I would have to say that if I had a chance to talk to myself as a senior, I would advise myself to start online school as soon as I could, instead of completely putting school off. I would also tell myself to be strong, because my journey has been a difficult one, and I could have used some advice and some love at that time.


The most importat thing that I would tell myself is that I CAN do it, it is not as hard as it may seem.


I would tell myself and as many other students as i could that there are 2 things that are vital to succeeding in post-seconday education. The first is there is a difference between studying and homework. College requires both. Homework is any assignment given in class you do on your own time. Any and all homework assignments must be turned in because the number of assignments given in college is less than in high school so they count for a bigger part of your over all grade. Studying is going over and reviewing things that have been discussed in class. This is also done on your own time. The second thing I would tell myself is learn how to manage your time wisley. Most college professors are not gonna hold your hand and remind you about upcoming papers or projects due. They have given you a syllabus and expect you to use it. If you are not careful lack of proper time management skills will cause you a great many problems. Use the syllabus and a calendar now and begin to stay on top of things so you are not caught off guard in the future


I would not waste any time! I would get on the road of obtaining my BA in Health Care Management & move on to obtaining my MBA. Time is of the essence now in days! I will then be able to provide my family with a great securtiy support for our future. I will then be able to have a promising career in Health Care Management!


I would tell myself to go to school now. I waited to long it proves to be harder the older you get. Don't listen to anyone else just follow your gut and know that you can do it. Make it happen and prove to them all that you can.


Looking back, I would tell myself to really understand what I learned instead of memorizing the material for test purposes. By really learning and understanding the information, I would have been able to retain more information, but because at the time I was so caught up getting a good grade for the test, I memorized the information and then forgot about it because I had to memorize information for the next test. If I had taken time to just process the information I would actually be able to use the knowledge in the real world and help me in the classes that I am taking now in college.


I would simply tell myself to have fun, stay focused, work extra hard on the football field and avoid a girl I meet by the name of Bridget. The whole key to a good college experience is to have fun and get out to social events and watch other sports teams play there games and absorb the college experience. Staying focused and working extra hard simply applies to the football field as I did good in the classroom, but to obtain a better scholarship to a better school and live my dream and lkife goal of one day playing in the NFL. As far as avoiding a girl named Bridget do not get into a relationship with her as I threw my life away by having that relationship. I got engaged and threw out numerous scholarships to big schools because I wanted to start my life with her and go to the same college so we could be together. If I avoided this mistake I would be in the NFL right now living my dream and have the life I wanted for myself and being able to buy the hard working people in my family the house they deserve.