I would tell myself to always go for your dream. Don't ever let someone tell you that what you are trying to do is impossible. Following your heart is the best way to go into school. It takes time and dedication, so studying what you are passionate about will make it go by much quicker.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time, there would be many things I would change. Ever since elementary school, I always maintained a great GPA. When I started high school as a freshmen, I was going through some difficult situations that caused my grades to drop. It was hard to focus and get back on track when I had so many things on my mind. If I could go back in time, I would prevent myself from receiving failing grades. I would also get involved in sports and other extracurricular activities. These activities really make a student stand out when applying for scholarships. Now I realize how expensive it has become just to attend junior college. I cannot receive financial aid and I do not qualify for a fee waiver. If only I had been an athlete, or better student I would've received a scholarship that would help pay for my education. My parents now have to pay school fees with their own money that they work so hard to get.
Take more pride in your school work. It seems useless now, but you do not realize how important your education actually is. Being street smart and book smart is a deadly and highly sought combination. Go ahead and study then take your SAT's and ACT's. Just because you took the ASVAB doesn't mean you have any idea what you are up against. Your college education something you are going to pay for and it will be worth it in the end. This is an even bigger satisfaction if you have more to show from your high school years.
I would study alot harder for each class, a couple of hours per day and studied each class each day. I would have tried to obtain an A or B grade and prepared myself for SAT/ACT exam. I would have enrolled in sports, particularly basketball and joined other clubs, such as book club, christian club or have started one. I would have made as many friends as possible and probably remained friends until my married life.
After doing all of the above, i've would gotten scholorships and have applied to Southern Unisverity in TN. There I would have been taking Nursing/Social Service and gotten my B.A. degree and most likely sought a position in TN. I consider myself to be a kind hearted individual and am genuinely concerned about people. I like Tenessee because the quality of life is better and its quieter and also it's great place to raise a family. I want to some day make a christian difference in this world.
Finally, I would like to be remembered by the people that surrounded me, as a great person who always uplifted people with just a smile or a kind word.
College is a wonderful and difficult time. You will need to push yourself harder to focus on the goals that you set, but they are worth every step. When you get that diploma, the stress, the papers, and the late nights will all be worth it. You need to remember your love for learning, because that will be an asset to you in this. Remember that you have to have some bad with the good; you have to take some classes that you feel are not important to get to the fun ones. Once you do get to the classes that you love, you will really love them. You will blossom as a student and your self-esteem will grow; you'll also get bragging rights when you score A after A every class - and it feels great! Good luck to you and never give up, there will be days that you want to, but remember your goal to become a teacher and to change lives; this will help to keep you focused.
Complete your college education before getting married and having children, because if you do not, you will not be able to return to college until you are old and your children are raised. Life will be a lot easier, if you just wait until after you complete your degrees.
Wow, I would have told myself to have a more direct path to an achievable goal in mind. I would have not take so many college prep classes without totally committing to them. I would have taken some commprehensive career oriented tests including personality type assessments such as the Briggs-Meyer and understanding Gardner's seven basic intelligences. I woul have told myself to begin with introductory classes and electives and build up to harder courses built around my major. I would tell myself to work harder at studying for the S.A.T. and other college entrance tests. I would have told myself to research and study the job market at that present time to ascertain which career fields were the most prevalent, secure, and sustainable. I would have told my former self to speak more with my school counselors and even try to speak with relatives about the entire process but unfortunately this option hardly existed at that time. I would have told myself that life will be extremely hard and the little fun that you are having now is not worth it compared to the sorrow, struggle, and pain that will be endured in future years.
Do not go to online college. Get the whole scollege experience by going to an actual physical school.
Don't quit school! Start college right out of high school and don't stop until you have reached your goal. If I had given myself this advice earlier, I would not be in the position I am in today. I would be done with my education and reaping the rewards of my hard work. However, it is never too late to go back to school and finish what you started, and I am so glad that I will soon be accomplishing the goals that I set for myself so long ago.
I am not the typical college student. I am now 33 years old and a mother to a wonderful 2 year old son. One of the main pieces of advice I would give myself is this: don't throw away your education. I had dreams and hopes just like almost every child out there. However, I let those dreams get pushed down until they were almost nothing. I am not sure if much would have changed if I had better applied myself and I am not sure that I would have wanted it to. I believe I am enrolled in school now because I will appreciate it. I am eager to learn not only for myself but for my son. I hope to give him the best role model and show him that education is important. I also hope to help him discover his dreams and achieve them. I think the biggest lesson here is to learn from my mistakes. I have my hopes and dreams back and they are in my son's eyes. I didn't utilize my full learning potential once and I refuse to do it again!