University of California-Davis Top Questions

Describe the students at University of California-Davis.


Being an RA, I have encountered people of all of these different backgrounds. Most students wear jeans and a sweatshirt in the fall/winter. IN the spring, it's replaced by shorts and tshirt. Overall, class outfits are very casual. I don't see many people in pajamas, if anything it's sweats and a sweatshirt instead. A lot of UC Davis students are from the Bay Area. I would say that the other chunk of students are from southern California, in the LA Area.


UC Davis is very open to different types of people. Its not all that diverse though...I dont see too many African American people on campus or minorities. It seems like the majority of the population is Caucasion and there are also a lot of Asian people on campus. Most students dress pretty casually to class. It ay be hard to fit in if you are from the city and love to dress up every day because you will find that although people do dress up at the beginning of the quarter they resort to flip flops, jeans, and t-shirts as the quarter goes on. Overall, different types of students interact. People are not cliquey. Everyone is nice and open and its hard to really stand out here. People at UC Davis are all mostly from California. Thats a big plus because you will find that people are from or near from where your hometown is so you can hang out with them during breaks and you have more in common with them. People come from different financial backgrounds - some well off, others not. People are pretty average here overall. People are also pretty liberal here. And ambitious...


there is a lot of events for the students that are all made up from students led organizations. basically everything that goes on at UCD is student organized


The student body here is extremely diverse. There are countless student run clubs and organizations having to do with academics, religion, politics, athletics, performing arts, community service, etc. just to name a few topics. I honestly can't imagine someone who would feel out of place here, even international students can easily find a place to fit in. There are just so many different groups of students to join. In terms of what people wear to class, and people's attire from day to day, its usually very casual. In the winter, there are a lot of sweatshirts, coats, and sweatpants. Jeans + rain + biking = bad idea. Since the weather can get to be somewhat severe at times, people don't waste time putting on designer clothes during the winter months and during the spring and summer, it gets hot enough to warrant frequent trips to the rec pool


The student body here is unique. We ride bikes, play frisbee, take IM's seriously, and know how to enjoy a sunny day. Everyone is laid back and super chill, it is one of the most accepting campuses I have ever seen and everyone gets along with everyone! It's ridiculous how universal this school is.


i don't pay much attention to the student body, sad to say.


Most of the students here are from the bay area. I am not, and I never felt like an outsider because of that. Most people seem to come from families that are wealthier than normal. Its ok to come from a poorer family but it seems less common.


Athletic, artsy, REAL. Few frats and sororities at davis, only about 8{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body. Definitely my scene:)


Don't know, don't care. They claim their greatest achievement when I was a freshmen were double-ply toilet paper. =\


The student body is very diverse at davis, and I have learned about so many new cultures just from living on campus. No one seems discriminated against and davis students in general are laid back and friendly.