I don't really like the Student Government on campus, but there are amazing campus groups and organizations to get involved in. There are a lot of clubs that promote cultural as well as programs (the SRRC) that provide assistance to historically underrepresented communities. If you find the right people, and there is a great diversity of people here (when you look for them) there is sure to be the right crowd for you.
Very diverse! I'm from a middle/upper class conservative east coast area that lacks diversity. Everyone for the most part are white and many people go to church regularly. This is definitely not your typical UC Davis student! Students range from very intelligent and engaging and to quite the opposite and some are worried about just getting by in their classes while others want to learn as much as they can. You can probably find a little bit of everything here.
No comment. I did not interact with student body often.
I feel like there's a little bit of everything, different styles, races, organizations, economic statuses. Some students are politically aware others are inactive. I don't know who would feel uncomfortable in Davis besides a misanthrope or a city kid.
I think students are very welcome of diversity, and I always come across information about diversity resources.
Everyone would feel in place here.
I don't really notice what students wear to class, although I think I've made double takes at T-shirts with witty slogans on them
Different types of students are likely to interact if they are in a group project together or join a club.
I wouldn't know how to describe the students in the dining hall, but they are probably a group of friends who already know each other, since people rarely go join strangers at another table unless there's nowhere else to sit.
Most students are from California, and many are from the northern part of the state.
I think most people should be middle class in financial backgrounds, since these are the ones who most often go to college.
I think students are politically active since there are always people asking passerby to register to vote or to sign petitions, and there are always signs telling people to vote, both for student government and for nationwide, state, or local politics.
I think students are predominantly left since the state is, and most students are from here, although other political groups also have fair representation here.
I don't really hear students talking about how much they'll earn one day, although my roommates and I talked about wanting stable careers that we want to like
Davis is wonderfully diverse and non-judgemental.
My experience with the groups at UCD have been pretty minimal. But I am a big supporter of these groups being implemented. I believe that these groups bring support and awareness and are necessary.
I don't know of any type of person that make feel out of place in Davis, maybe a very conservative person? Davis is very liberal and as such a person needs to be very open minded.
It depends on the season, rainy season you see lots of rain boots and jackets. Spring brings lots of flip flops and t shirts. Finals week is when the comfy UCD sweatshirts come out.
Most of the people who go to UCD are from central or northern California.
It seems that upper middle class is the most prevalent here at UCD.
Most students here are politically aware/active at least the people I hang out with. Definitely, a predominantly left group.
Talking about how much we'll earn one day? Of course, we all worry about that.
I will be living in a cardboard box.
UC Davis is generally very diverse and welcoming of differing points of view. There are many organizations on campus for whatever beliefs you hold. I'm not sure I can think of a particular type of student that may feel out of place at UCD - perhaps a student who is accustomed to surfing daily? The nearest beach is a few hours away.
Most UCD students are from within California. It was pretty uncommon to find out-of-state students, but when I did, they seemed to really enjoy the change of pace. I would guess that the majority of students come from middle and upper-middle class family homes.
Students at UCD tend to be overall very politically aware and active. Most of them are typically left of center, although there are groups on campus for conservative students as well. Regardless of your political beliefs, I think you can find a community that fits in with your views at Davis.
There are lots of vocal student groups on campus, including ethnic clubs and fraternities. It's easy to start a new club, so I don't think there are too many people who feel like they can't make their voice heard.
I've actually had the opportunity to speak with a few re-entry students who felt a little out of place when they first got to Davis because they were surrounded by 18-22 year olds. But they found it easier to connect to TAs and professors, and they adjusted well. I don't think kids at Davis are the type to judge anyone.
The financial background of students never really comes up. How much money your parents make isn't really an issue and there aren't a whole bunch of rich kids trying to throw their money around. Most kids are middle class, and everyone I know uses financial aide to help pay for school--there isn't any emphasis at all on status or class. It's just a comfortable place where you can be yourself.
The campus actually isn't very cliquey and groups mix relatively freely. I don't think anyone feels marginalized, and even if you did, like I said, it's easy to make your voice heard.
There are so many special interest groups on campus, and they really help in giving people different and unique perspectives. Most students wear the typical "college uniform" of jeans and a tee-shirt; some wear sweats, and I've even seen guys who wear suits regularly.