University of California-Davis Top Questions

Describe the students at University of California-Davis.


Students at UCD come in all shapes and sizes. It is one of the many diverse schools in California. Although most students seem lazy, nonetheless, they have certain work ethic's that outweigh most people. Most students are from in state, but their are a few international students, which seem to be mostly from Korea.


It's tough to describe one specific student here at UC Davis because our community is so diverse. One example of this happened to me at the dining hall. I walked through the double doors, swiped my ID card and proceeded in to find some friends to sit with and eat. As I looked around I saw a sight that surprised me. At 4 tables, all next to each other in a long tine, were 4 of the most different groups have ever seen. At one end of the table were 4 basketball players (the shortest of whom was at least 6'6") yelling at each other about the Monday Night Football game that happened the night before. Right next to them were a group of Engineers who had their laptops open with books thrown about the table as they attempted to cram for an exam. At the third table were members of the UC Davis Aggie Band-Uh! (our student marching band) with instruments under the table. They kept using large arm motions and were yelling profusely at east other about some party the weekend before. Finally, at the last table were 3 fraternity members and 4 or 5 sorority girls in their letters. This one scenario sums up the UC Davis community: eclectic


From many different backgroungs, ethnicities, identities and disciplines. However, most are from CA; it is rare to find Out-of-State or Out-of-Country students. Students dress comfortably to class but appropriately to lab sessions(don't want to catch fire, now do we?).


We have all won the second prize in the beauty contest!


I haven't started school yet so I wouldn't know.


They're hilarious! We come from different backgrounds, so it makes for good food when we hang out. I love them all to death because when I have a problem or issue, they always have my back. You don't meet amazing people like that just anywhere.


Everyone seems to be reserved and doing their own thing. Everyone passes each other by. If you are anything other than white, then people look at you with a hint of animosity or a fake smile, or maybe ignore you altogether. At least that is how I felt, or maybe it was the fact that I didn't try as I've mentioned before. These were just my experiences. I wan't the type to have 60 million facebook friends. Not that I would want that anyway.


People here are friendly, open-minded, and academically centered.


My classmates were very supportive of each other and encouraging as well.


Due to extreme competition and curving students are cold and tend to back stab. People don't necessarily want to help eachother and students tend to care only for their grades and not other volunteer, or extracurriculum activities. not many are passionate about what they learn (that is if they are learning and not memorizing onlt to pass). I love the school, not too crazy for the people.