They are cool but they think i am nobody.
Davis has a very diverse group of students. Most of the students are very open and accepting.
Sooooooo I sorta touched on this before but there are lots of different people at Davis. Also, not all of us come from the same socio-economic backgrounds. There is a place for everyone, not to worry. And you shouldn't feel left out or alone in Davis. There are lots of churches, and an LGBT facility that is Student-run, and holds lots of awareness and educational events.
Most UC Davis students hail from Northern California--either the Bay area, the valley or places like Santa Cruz and up the coast line.
Most of the students I know are prominentle left, and there are organizations on campus called Davis Democrats and Davis Republicans that are very politically active and aware.
I have seem some demonstrations on campus but since I live a few miles away from campus and I am usually between classes, or on my way home I typically do not involve myself in such movements. I believe older undergraduate students under the typical age range, 18-24, and transfer students feel the most out of place since they have not been integrated into the school system since the beginning and the school seems to prefer a stratified strategy of reinforcing these differences. Many of the students on campus claim to be liberal and I tend to believe them since I have read neoliberal trends and have been able to observe trends in their the typical behavior of these students in comparison to my readings.
There are moderates and conservatives at this school but they are not as outspoken and tend to keep to their organizations.
Lots of nerds who sit in front of their computers all day and are kinda deadbeat. But find the right group of friends- I would suggest plugging in with a group of people that likes to do stuff-- my personal reccomendation would be Campus Crusade for Christ. I have never seen a group of people who cared about each other and others so much, while at the same time had been so stoked to go on adventures and they're always down for ski trips, bbqs, and fun!
Pretty much everyone is from the bay area, but there are lots of students from countries in asia. my roomate was from the phillipenes and it was really cool learning all about her life.
I didn't really get to participate much outside of physics and engineering, but from what I saw, there was a lot of superficiality and cliques. I guess if you take the time to know people, this feeling abates, but I didn't have that time to spare.
As mentioned earlier, there's a very large, Diverse Asian population. There's not a large Chicano or black population....but that's changing.
could care less about this
I dont think any type of person would feel out of place.. its a big campus with all different types of people. People here are vey open to ideas and cultures, religions, etc and you can find many people that share interests or similarities with you.
Students are pretty causal...some wear sweats and some might dress up a little more....but overall it's very casual and nobody judges people for what they wear.
many clubs. many people go greek. most people are active in one thing or another. there are so many options