Students here at Davis seem to be pretty diverse. There are many clubs and organizations for different races, religions, LGBT, cultures, interests, everything! People here seem to be really friendly as well as accepting and open-minded. People from different socio-economic backgrounds come here. For the most part, students dress casually and comfortably at school. Some people even go to class in their pjs. There are occasions we dress up for, like formals, exchanges, parties and such.
There are many diverse students here at UCD. I have seen the LGBT community here and they are so united and are also supported by the other students here as well. There are no student who would left out here at UC Davis because there are so many people here that you are bound to meet the kind of people that you can relate to. Students wear many things to class, some like to be fashionable, some just roll out of bed and show up to class, and others just wear what reaches the hands first before class. You have enough opportunities to meet all kinds of people and interact with them. The dorms are a perfect place to meet people with different interests or different types of people. Students here are for all over the country and also outside of the country as well. As for their financial back, there isn't much difference in that and also even if there was, it wouldn't matter.The students here are very political and active. They are well informed about the news going on around the world. Yes, some of the students, maybe not all of the students,but most have talked about it or at least have thought about it.
The student community at Davis is great. People from all walks of life find themselves here and join to create a sense of community and acceptance. There are students involved with politics, cows, commerce and art. Engineers and historians, psychologists and mathematicians. Everyone at UC Davis has a place and without each individual, we would be nothing.
Davis is a pretty diverse school so I feel close to all races, religions, and different groups. I don't think any student would feel out of place at this school. Most students wear comfortable, warm clothing to class. All different types of students interact on a daily basis. Four different tables of students in the dining hall would include one with all freshman, one with all transfers, one with all girls or boys, and one with a mix of people. Most of the students are from southern california. A lot of people are financially stable or have finanical aid. Not many students are politically aware or active and they are predominantly center. Some students I've talked to discuss how much they would like to earn in the future.
At Davis there are plenty of resources available to students. Everything from LGBTQIA meetings and counselors, to ethnicity-based groups, to hundreds of campus clubs. Pretty much, anything you want, you can find or create. Davis has a little bit of everything. We may not be the MOST diverse, but I can say my friends are within different circles-the honors programs, my major, sports, classes, dorms, you name it.
Just like my transition to high school, the thing I was probably most worried about was what the other students were going to be like. To be more specific, I was worried about how to dress. But just like high school, nobody cares! In fact, in college it seems as if people are even lazier when it comes to dressing themselves for class. Sweatpants, jeans, and hoodies are the most common items of clothing worn. If you want to see off-the-runway fashions and New York-esque styles then you should probably enroll in some textiles or design classes because a majority of the students here at UC Davis don't spend too much time putting together "cute" outfits. With this in mind, the super artsy student or non-conformist might feel a bit out of place at UCD because UCD is a research institution.
While a lot of students are from California, there is also a good amount of international students who attend UC Davis. Different types of students interact well because, with such a large university, cliques are hard to form and most students want to broaden their perspective and gain new experiences.
Our campus is very diverse. Even though, Asian and white are the majority there is a good representation of all races. My freshmen year at UC Davis, I lived in a dorm and I have never been in a place so diverse in my whole life. I lived with students from Romania, Egypt and the Middle East. Being on this campus has opened my eyes to see that there are many different kinds of people in this world, way more than what I had been use to in my hometown.
The students here are also very approachable and friendly. It is common to have interracial friendships because, in general, we are all tolerant of people different from us. Going to college should be more than for academic growth. We should also be in a situation where we can learn more about others in order to grow as individuals.
Like many other UCs, UC Davis runs on the quarter system. Basically, there are three quarters within each school year and each quarter is only 10 weeks long. On our campus, we are expected to learn the same amount of material as students who are in the semester system who have, on average, 15 weeks for each semester. We need to be fast pace learners and manage our academics on our own. Homework is rare in classes because there is, on average, about 100 or more students in each class and the professors cannot grade homework for each student. Our course grades are usually made up of midterms and a final. It is up to the individual student to manage their studying. Since homework is not assigned, we are expected to use the time we would be spending on homework on studying. We are viewed as adults who do not need to be supervised and forced to do work. The students themselves should be in charge of their own education and the academics here encourages it.
Everyone I have come across is very open to meeting new people. UC Davis is mainly Asian and Caucasian students, but ethnicity is not something that determines what groups we join or who our friends are. Most students dress very casually to class, jeans and a jacket. When it's hot, shorts and a tshirt. I do not think anyone would feel out of place at this school. We have to many different groups and organizations, you are bound to find good friends somewhere on campus! The students here are predominately liberal, but many are independent as well. Many students on campus work and come from middle income families.
I don't think anyone would feel out of place at this school. Often times students are seen wearing anything from pajamas to business attire to classes depending on what the rest of the day has in store for them. Typically, there are socials held in the dorms so freshmen have the opportunity to meet, interact, and mingle with other new students. Classes are also great places to meet people!