University of California-Davis Top Questions

Describe the students at University of California-Davis.


students, intensely focused, yet personable


Very friendly, eager to help with studies and anything really, diverse in interests and ambitions, motivated....good stuff!


Generally, everyone is friendly. If you are out of state, it can be intimidating, as California is very different from the east coast. There are a wide variety of people here, so there is a group of friends for everyone.


very focused and interactive with the professor during class


they are alright, most of them stick to their own group of kind


Student body is generally friendly and diverse, but people tend to gravitate toward a more homgenous group (culturally, ethnically, and socio-economically).


usually critical thinks quite well


Generally my classmates tend to be very focused and serious in class, but become very social and friendly when engaged in group projects or presentations. Outside the classroom everyone is very open with each other and always willing to hang out, regardless of whether it be for a study session or a lunch break. Though the competition for high marks on tests is high, your friends are more then likely willing to help explain anything you might not understand. Their explainations will help your understanding significantly, and also calm you so you don't stress out as much.


Most of them are friendly individuals.


Helpful, intelligent individuals who have found a good balance between work and play.