The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of Central Arkansas is 89%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
You should be absolutely sure that you what to declare a major in your first semester. Get involved with Chi Alpha. Pray and fast about college. Make schedules and keep them. Show love to your friends and brother. Don't let your mother do everything for you. Learn to cook better. Learn to communicate, better. Write down your prayers, feelings and dreams.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about the University of Central Arkansas is the availability of parking. There is always some type of construction going on that takes away another parking lot. There is a very limited amount of parking spots and sometimes it is hard to find one.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
My school has a huge sense of campus pride and strong sense of community and support throughout the faculty/staff and student populations.
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Describe the students at your school.
UCA students are creative and genuinely compassionate, with a drive and focus rarely seen in people our age.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I brag about the research that I do and student ministry group that I am in. This University allows undergrads to do serious scientific research and Chi Alpha is the thrid largest of its kind in the nation.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Those not ready for college.
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What's unique about your campus?
The class sizes, the availability of professors and the undergraduate research.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had known that I could clep out of more classes. Also, I wanted to take several courses that I was interested in but not serious about, but I cannot take those courses without all kinds of prerequisites.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
It's one of only two schools in the state that offers the programs I'm interested in - Kinesiology. It's a quickly growing school that is starting to get recognition nationwide for it's academics.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Physical Theraphy graduate program
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Our school is very diverse. So I am not sure what type of person would attend this school.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The feeling that there is too much to be dont beofre the end of the semester--a (good) paper per semester is one thing. Five per semester is completely different, especially when nearly each is completed with a different page requirement between 4 and 25 pages.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
UCA is a big campus and was made for people to commute on foot, meaning the parking lots are on the edges of campus. It has a great community feel but if you want convenience you won't find it in our parking lots. It has become very apparent to me that finding a parking spot is a big part of my day.This is a great college town so i love to get out and explore but coming back and having to search multiple parking lots just so you can go to your room can be exhausting. If you wanna come here get used to walking, but in my opinion it is worth it! The perks of UCA is that it is on the outskirts of Conway, Walmart is nearby, there are many places to eat on campus, and everyone here shows their bear pride, DO IT LIKE A BIG BEAR: GRRRRR
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What are the academics like at your school?
UCA is pretty challenging and a little overwhelming at first, but there are many people here to help. Every Professor I've had has been more than happy to help me understand their subject. There are also many opportunities for study sessions, and tutoring (which you have already paid for with tuition). A few of my classes have over 100 students but it seems like the professors remember you anyways, it's hard to learn everyone's name so i don't blame them, but they always try! If you plan to take Psychology I would recommend Dr. Brinegar. She has an interesting teaching method, that never bores me! There is a lot of competition here mainly because of the prestigious programs offered at this University, for instance my current department is Occupational Therapy, meaning you need good grades to get into the masters program. I like that this school gives you space to make errors but encourages your best outcomes.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
I mean, there are parties and I've seen them advertised, but UCA isn't really a party school. Most of the kids in Conway go to Hendrix to party not UCA. And in my opinion a party school is only a party school if you make it that way.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Getting into an RSO to learn about leadership and giving back to the community. There are a lot and if you can't find one, just ask anyone who works at the Student Center. They will direct you in the right place.
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Describe the dorms.
Living on campus is a great experience because of the social atmosphere, but the facilities are not five star. I live in Carmichael, an all girls dorm, so there is a lot of drama. But the worst part is the community bathrooms, some girls are really gross and keep the bathrooms disgustingly dirty, the maid that cleans it everyday is off on the weekends so the bathroom becomes a pig sty! Last year a girl in this building had a miscarriage and left it in the toilet and on the bathroom floor for someone else to find. The rooms are pretty small but you have the option to bunk beds giving you much more room. When choosing an apartment know that off campus apartments can sometimes be cheaper than "on campus" apartments and be the same distance from the main campus, the main difference is UCA's ownership of the apartments and the transportation to main campus is through shuttle for apartments such as Bear Village.
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What are your classes like?
Most of my classes have over 70 students, coming from a high school with 52 in our graduating class this was definitely a change. I'm taking General Education classes right now so i expect for my classes to decrease in size by junior year. My biology class has over 150 in a large lecture hall. With a class of that size it can be hard to concentrate so try to get a seat in the first three rows, because after that you lose focus and it's hard to hear most professors. Also there is a no attendance policy in most Gen Ed courses, but try to attend as many lectures as possible it will help your grade tremendously!
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
I think the biggest stereotype of students at my school is that we are party a lot.
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Describe a day on campus you'll never forget.
So far the day on campus that I will never forget is my first Bid Night for Panhellenic Sororities here on campus. When I got my bid, it was pretty awesome, but the real unforgettable things was how loud that night was! You could hear screaming from basically every part of campus I am sure. People were screaming, running, crying, it was just an amazing emotional experience. I am so glad I got to go through that. It was the day (or night) on campus that I'll never forget!
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