University of Nevada-Reno Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish highschool prepared me with better study habits. It would of helped me prioritize my time better, and give me a better hand in my study habits. I struggled at first, but after seeking help with professors and spending more time in my studying I was able to overcome that.




I wish I would have known that it is a totally different atmosphere than it was when I was in high school in Reno. It is a much more mature environment with a positive outlook on life. Meeting new people and becoming involved with the university, gave me the resources to want to succeed.


How to get scholarships.


Nothing, I have learned everything to succeed in Graduate School. I try and learn by every experience life has thrown at me.


I wish I knew that my previous GPA from almost 10 years ago would count as my cumulative. Although I maintained a 3.9 GPA for the last 2 years my cumulative is only 2.7. However I do not regret this, for I also did not have to repeat a lot of core curriculum courses.


That the advisors are COMPLETELY worth your time! They are valuable resources...take advantage of them!


That it didn't have enough sections of classes to sign up for. There isn't enough sections open for some classes. I also wish that I knew that semesters are worse than quarters. I like quarters better then semesters because you get more classes to take and you don't get bored in classes that you have to take for semesters.


About our Liberal Arts College, it has a excellent programs that I don't think most people are aware of.


I wish I had known how to get involved and the importance of getting involved right away. My first year I focused on my schoolwork, while making time for my job, family and friends. But, I wish I would have made time then to join a club. I'm glad I am getting involved in school now, though. There's over 150 different clubs at my school.