University of Toledo Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Toledo know before they start?


When finding the right college looking at the majors is first, then the cost and activites. Going to a school with a good program is very important. Cost is also extremly important the school work it stressful enough and try to worrie about the money adds alot of stress, there are plenty of schools. The activites and social is another thing that is important college life is fun you meet so many people and learn alot. Many students find thier self depressed, staying active helps this not occur as much. Falling behind in school work, can really hurt your gpa and its hard to bring it back. Stay on top of things and enjoy everything you can.


My advice is to definitely take a tour of the college and see how organized the whole day was for you because that is a great way of knowing how much the school really cares about you coming to that college.


I know it's hard to decide which college is right for you and deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life. My advice would be to visit as many college campuses that you are interested in as you can. I was set on going to this specific university until I visted the one I attend today. There were some other small factors involved such as cost, but now that I have gone here and compare it to my first choice I am glad I chose the university I attend today. To make the most out of your college experience I suggest getting involved in campus activities and clubs. Those are where you make your closest friends. I joined the club lacrosse team, without even knowing how to play and now I room with three other members from my team and I couldn't be happier.


My best advice to give to parents/ or students about finding the right college and making the most of the experience is to make sure it is a college that you really want to go to and the first thing is to get involved! Make sure whatever it is that you do get involved in still allows time for your schoolwork. Remember that schoolwork is very important and professors do not like to see students fail and they are more than willing to help students out, so take advantage of it! Parents, I would say to be the best support system because school is tough! Make sure your on your children about the importance of getting good grades and make sure they are working at their greatest potential.


Just choose what you think is right for yourself.


One thing to keep in mind when choosing your college is that if you do not go to your top choice it will be okay. I picked an alternate school because of tuition prices, and I honestly can't see myself at any other school. Don't pick a school simply because it has a name. You should make sure that you are compatable with the size of the campus, the student types that make up the majority of the population, and the tuition and housing costs.


Being successful in college is all about finding the right balance between your social life, academic life, and professional life. You don't want to choose a school which will limit you in either of these, but you also have to be sure that you can limit yourself when needed.


Get involved, it will make you're experience no matter where you go....Go Rockets!!!!!


The college experience happens almost immediately. The student, using that word strongly, must use the utmost confidence in themself when considering a school. The most important rule of college selections is the visitation. Universities spend a lot of money on advertising and two dimensional appeal. It is very improtant to visit the school and make them put their money where there mouth is. If it looks good on paper, than it should be just as appealing in person. Once that enormous lightbulb goes over your head, you know you've made the right college choice. It is then just days before the college experience hits you. Universities and students alike spend most of their time in the first few weeks getting to know you then they do in your final years. They want the student to be comfortable. They want the student to stay. With all this in mind, you should be well on your way of "top dog" of most clubs and meeting thousands of people. Oh, and no need to worry about paying for it parents. There is an over abundance of financial aid out there. Fortunately if you want to go there, look for it!


When looking at a college I would first look at the size of the college. How big will your classes be, how long of a walk do you have in between your classes. Also look into getting involved with activities outside of school such as sport clubs, intramurals, Greek Life, and school organizations. Another consideration that I would look into is the area surrounding your school. Look for things such as safety, activities to do off campus. Is there a mall near by or a grocery store. A student needs to be able to get out of the school environment and go see a movie or go out to eat with friends. Activites like these are something that I would make sure are available to you for a good college experience.