University of Toledo Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Toledo know before they start?


College is just around the corner I need to prepare myself for this journey ahead. Many things are going on this year with so little time: homecoming, senior project, prom, and graduation and that?s not including all the extra activities I?m involved in. I need to make sure I have time to do what?s important and needs to be done. I?m going to make a schedule for each week to complete my tasks. I know things are not going to go as planned, but this will be a start and I?ll adjust from there. The only person that?s going to be in my corner while I?m away is God. I need to start being more responsible and start my transition into this new world now. As for now mom is not waking me up for school I will have to set my alarm and if I?m late for school I will be the only person to blame. I think this will be a good start for me it will be different, but I have to take it one step at a time.


There are a few bits of information that I would give myself if I could go back in time to when I was a senior. The first one would be to not stress so much about college. Every day, I had a new "top choice", and depending on my mood and feelings, was either far away from home or right in my own backyard (the college that I currently attend). I would tell myself that it will not be the end of the world if I do not receive a scholarship that I worked ages on and truly believed that I was going to get it. Opportunities opened themselves up to me that I probably would not have had, had I gotten that scholarship. I would tell myself to enjoy senior year and not place so much emphasis on the drama and gossip common to all high schools today. The most important information I would tell myself would be to trust your mother because, in the end, she is the one that knows best and is only looking out for your best interests. Hopefully, I realize this before it is too late. And lastly, have fun!


Students and parents looking to make the right choice for a college or university need to look into many things. First I would choose a college that has experienced professors that have worked in to field for many years or who still work in the field they teach in. This makes the classroom more enjoyable and the advice they give can help you better understand the field you are going into. Second, choose a college that is very helpful and informative. If you can't the information you need before you are admitted then you also will not be able to get that information as a student. Colleges and universities should be helpful and open to questions. Finally, choose a campus that has activities you are interested in. The more involved you are on campus the more likely you are to enjoy your over all college experience. This will also help you make friends with common interests who may be able to help you for the rest of your life with both school work and finding a career after graduating. If you can find a school that has all of these qualities your college experience will be a great one.


MAKE SURE YOU VISIT COLLEGES BEFORE MAKING YOUR CHOICE. knowing what type of school you want to go to and seeing what it will be like to live that school every day for your entire education is very important. dont go to a school you havent visited just because it has a good name. find a school you feel comfortable in and can see yourself living and learning at.


The best advice I would give would be to make sure you visit the campus. Write down all of your questions and make sure they all get answered and make sure that you are happy with your decision. The last place you want to be is a place that you don't like.


Stick to your gut instinct.


Look for the college that best fits your needs as a student. If you need more individualized lessons it would be a good idea to choose a school that is alittle smaller that way the student to teacher ratio is more manageable. Money is a factor in every situation, but it shouldn't be the only reason that you choose a school because there is alot of money to apply for to cover the cost. Probably most important next to the academic aspect of college life is to find a place that you feel connected to and comfortable at so that the experience is the best it can be. Having fun should always be a priority.


I would say start searching early! At the beginning of your junior year you should be looking at different options and really trying to boost your GPA. Be sure to investigate all scholarships your high school offers and the different colleges. Every dollar counts, even if it is just $100. As a student, ask your parent to help but do not put the pressure on them. Searching on your own and looking for scholarships is only the beginning of college and being responcible. Its always a good idea to know your own financial situation and show initiative to your guardian.


How do you find the right college to meet all of your expectations? The first step would be to choose a profession that best fits your interests on what you enjoy doing. Once you have made your decision start researching different schools for specific majors. For example, I was looking for a career in sales and there were very few schools that offer this degree. After doing my research on many different universities I found the University of Toledo offered a professional sales degree. Since this school was one of pioneers for offering this degree they have developed relationships with businesses across the nation for recruiting their graduates. Once I discovered this information my search was over. Every institution says they offer a great college experience, but how could every college have a great experience? The fact is you need to select a school that best fits you. For example, some colleges are known for their business or engineering departments. Once you have selected a major choose a school that is known for having a great department. By doing this you will be exposed to the best professors and have a better chance of landing a job once you graduate.


To find the right college, you first need to look. I would suggest that you first look at colleges that you are not too interested in so you can get an idea of what you should be looking for and what kind of questions to ask. Then, go with your gut feeling. If you feel that a place is right for you, then it probably is. However, if you do not connect with a place and feel uncomfortable there, then do not go to that college. To make the most of your college experience, get involved. Join clubs, meet people. You need to be social and make friends.