University of Toledo Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Toledo know before they start?


My advice would be to realize that even though college is a big desicion your not stuck wherever you end up going. I would start planning early, looking online at different universitys to see which one is right for you, and then going to visit those colleges. By going to visit a college you can see more than whats just on a campus website. Once you find the college that is right for you and you arrive make sure that you get involved! Getting involved is how I met most of the friends I have around campus and it allows you to interact with people that you would have never met otherwise. Have fun but remember to keep your goals in mind. Their will always be another party but you can never make up an exam that you failed to study for.


Go to the College. Check out the school, the dorms and ask questions.


When visiting colleges, don't be afraid to find a friendly face on campus and ask them about their experience. Getting a variety of opinions will help future college students figure out what to expect should he/she attend. Also, make sure that the schools are able to accomodate many different financial situations. Be sure to check out the off-campus area and housing to get an idea how available weekend entertainment may be. Overall, follow your intuition and go somewhere you'd feel comfortable!


Find a college where you like the general student body, the classes sizes and professors and the overall campus. To enjoy all of college go out and meet people have fun but not too much fun and remember the real reason why you are at college. Try hard and if you don't understand something get help the school and professors are there to help you.


If I could find a college that provided me with the necessities then I should look into it.My first year in college was difficult. The reason why I did so poorly twas due to my frustrations with my health as well as family, and financial problems . Being diagnosed with a menstrual disease when I was younger requires me to take medication. If I'm absent this medication it can cause internal infections throughout my body. The beginning of my freshman year, my father cuts his 6 children and my mother off the insurance leaving us to find money to pay for the prescriptions . I believe that I can do all things as long as I have my Jesus, determination and focus, but due to how this unfortunate mishap I allowed my grades to slip, while dealing with daily frustrations and financial struggle. Graduating from high school, I had a 3.6 GPA and was involved in many extra curricular activities as well as community service. I believe I can get to that point next year with more focus and less worries. I need some help next year to get myself where I need to be with my education.


Do the research, including a thorough college visit. Don't just trust a website, get in there and experience the place firsthand. Talk to random students, professors, advisors. See what extracurriculars are available, how the rec center operates, and what transportation is like. Your college choice is an important one, so take the time to really know what you're committing to, as it will save a LOT of time and hassel (and money) if you're well informed and love where you are. Students, I think an overlooked aspect of college is getting to know your professors. Don't simply be a body in the classroom. Go to their office hours, get the extra help, let them get to know you. This relationship will be invaluable when it comes to recommendation letters for grad school and job searches. I promise that seeing a professor on your reference list will be more impressive than your old roommate. College is a very important time to make lifelong connections that will help you for the rest of your life, and that includes the bow-tied professor at the front of the lecture hall.


Allow the student to spend time on campus without the parent. You won't get the actual feel of the campus just from walking around. Walking around as if your an actual student, going to the classes, being in an actual dorm room, enjoying the sites gives you the the gut feeling of knowing if it's the right or wrong school. It helps if you know someone who attends, this gives you the oppurtunity to stay for a weekend.


See the size of the campus and make sure that it will suit both your personality and your academic needs. Speak with enrolled students and professors to gather information about their personal experiences and what they will expect if they choose to attend the university.


Do your research and do campus tours, finding the right college for what you want to do is paramount. When you find the right place get involved with a lot of activities and make friends. College is what you make of it but remember that your here to learn and make something of yourself academically first. You can't get a degree in being a social butterfly and binge drinking.


1. Visit as many campuses as possible. When you visit you should be able to see yourself being there, and you should be excited about the possiblity of furthering your education there. 2. DO NOT go to a school just becuase your friends/boyfriend/girlfriend is going there. This decision should be all about you no one else, don't let others sway your choice. 3. Ask around. Do your research, try to talk to students who already attend school where you are interested, learn from their likes and dislikes. 4. Most importantly, any college can be right you just have to willing and able to put yourself out there and make new friends. Don't be afraid to get involved! Good Luck!