If I could go back in time I would give much needed advice about college to myself. First I would say High school is no joke, high school is there to help with the transition into college. I would say Brianna you need to go to every class, sit in the front row and actually listen to what your teacher is saying to you. Because in college there is no one there to tell you what you have to do, its all up to you, self control is the key factor to success in college. I would also tell myself to start filling out scholarships because all the money you can get goes along way. For example right now I struggle to make ends meet in order to stay in school and continue on with my education. College is not a joke, so stop playing around and get ready for college. College is also a place to meet new people, so I would tell myself to try and get along with everyone and enjoy learning about the different cultures. Take school serious, don't waste your time or your teachers and last but not least don't waste the money.
If I was able to go back to high school as a senior I would tell myself to work harder. In high school I studied to do average and that is not how it is in college. You either study hard or don't study at all, and the test scores will show that. I also would tell myself to save up my money better because even thought I worked three jobs at one time, I still did not have enough money to pay for college. My parents are not heling me pay so I am doing this all on my own. I'd also tell myself to maybe consider staying home the first year to save up some money. Money and stay focused would be my two main points. Coming to college is a lot different than high school and nothing can fully prepare you for it. The last thing I would tell myself is to not stress about homework assigments. I would tell myself to make sure to keep up with all the work and start assignments the day they are given so I do not fall behind.
I would start with avice about roomates. I currently room with 5 of my friends that I have been good friends with throughout high school. Unfortunately, friendships change when you live with eachother. One had to move out and others just don't get along anymore. So I would say to myself, it might be ok to room with one of yor friends that you have a lot in common, but not all of them. Especially ones that have completely different majors, and different living styles than yourself. The second piece of advice I would give myself would be to make sure to not be intimidated by your first week of classes. Half of the students enrolled in Bioengineering dropped out after the first week. It was rough and I had thoughts of switching majors, but I stuck with it and now I'm very happy with were I'm at. Finally, I would tell myself to stay more weekends at school instead of going home to be with my girlfriend. You two will still be together and you will have had a lot more fun and less regrets during your first semester of your freshman year, it goes fast.
Relax! Plain and simple. During high school I was a nervous wreck. I did not know what to expect and how hard the transition would be. Now that I am finished with my first semester I realized I was panicked over nothing. It is a big transition but if you go in calm and ready for new experiences everything will be fine. I have made friends and kept up a 4.0 GPA. I would have also told myself to fill out as many scholarship applications as possible. College is very expensive and every penny counts. I now know that after many frustrating trips to the financial aid office at my school. The main thing I would have told myself is to simply relax and enjoy the ride. College is a great new start for a lot of people and you should get the most out of your experience while you can.
Kelsey, as you approach your first semester of college you are about to endure in many bumps in the road. You are about to come upon classes that require overnight studying and will put the pressure upon you. You are about to go through your parents divorcing and a friend passing away. Stay strong. You will come across yourself struggling and wondering if you can make it through. Because you are determined and have a big heart, I assure you you make it through. Not only do you conquer your first freshman semester with a 3.38 GPA but you discover the courageousness within yourself. Before you had doubts about how you will make it through life but you find that if you can make it through the hardest four months of your life coming up ahead then you can get through anything. Be proud of yourself and remember with God and perserverence you will ALWAYS be ok!
Never ever try to live on campus it is terrible. Spend every possible waking momnet studying for all your subjects even if you think you know them well because teachers have a way of asking strange questions you didn't know was even in the book/notes if you don't read them a million times over. Study for tests/exams/quizzes days before not the night before, you will not do well on these.
If you go to a community college to transfer to a larger university in order to save money, make sure you talk to your advisors at both the community college and the university you are going to transfer to in order to make sure that you are staying on track with the courses you will need to graduate on time at the university.
Never live on campus and pay for useless meal plans. Spend every waking moment studying having no life outside of school work will very much likely land you an A-C instead of C-F. Don't take more than 4 classes a semester it's never a good idea infact remain part time with 1-3 classes it'll help your mental health in the long run. Don't expect people to be any more mature than they were in highschool a lot of people bring their highschool stupidity with them to college.
I think this is a very good question to ask. But I feel from my high school experience in a small bed-community town, I was afforded the skills and knowledge of what my future was to be like when beginning my college career. If there is one area I think is important to emphasize your plans and thoughts on , it would your actual career field of choice. While we are told throughout our education you can be whatever you want, I think it's important to have a strong focus on that choice and pursue it in anyway possible through high school and college entry. I have friends who have no idea yet--even in their third year of college. Having a clear vision and goals to reach are extremely important and that's the advice I would share. Thank you.
Hey self!
I know high school was horrible and you are glad to be graduating, but now it is time for college. I think you should take a semester off and save some money before transitioning. Graduating college with a degree is not as easy as it sounds. You have to work hard, but I want you to party hard too. Enjoy yourself! You're young, you can have fun and still work towards a degree. Do NOT try to work right away once you start school. I know you need the money, but you need to focus on your grades. Do not expect perfection, you may have a bad semseter (or two), but DO NOT GIVE UP!! You WILL graduate! I believe in you, I know you will do well so don't be so hard on yourself. Try to make friends, get to know people because being alone in your room will not be fun. Get involved. There are bound to be groups that interest you, find one or two to enhance your college experience.
I love you and I BELIEVE in you! You will do fine! Just HANG IN there and don't give up! Love ya!