You need to devote more of your time to studying when you get to college. In high school most things just came easy to me, but in college things go at a different speed so you need to be ready to make the transition. The quicker you realize that the bettter off you will be.
I would advise myself to be more prepared for college. My biggest regret was enrolling into college with an undecided major. In doing that, I wasted almost three semesters. I was not motivated in my school work because I had no destination in my plans. After I found my major, in nursing, I did my best in all my classes and trying to get into the nursing program. I would also tell myself to be more independent and not try to follow your friends' and other's path. Being independent will help you build your own personality and only make you stronger. If you try to stick with your friends that are going down, they will take you down as well. The only person you can trust to make yourself succeed, is your own self.
When its time to choose the school of your choice, make sure you follow your instincts. Do plenty of research ahead of time to be ahead of the curve. Also, never be afraid to give a friendly smile and friendly words. If you maintain a positive attitude when applying for admissions, meeting new people, and applying for jobs then you will NEVER meet a stranger! Its all about positioning yourself for success and being positive.
Simeon, I would like to give you the best advice ever right now. Do not play around when It comes to your work. Keep your grades as high as they can be, do a lot of research on your major, and study very hard what subjects you will need to know so that it would not be very hard in college. Start early in applying for scholarships. Also get a job and instead of spending all your money, save and invest so by the time you get in college you can have a few extra dollars for fees and books.
If I were to talk to myself, as high school senior about to go off to college, I would advise myself to try more things; join groups and clubs, and try to be more open when meeting people.
It is important to make the decision on a college based on what you truly, not what your parents think or where the greater amount of scholarship money is offered.
Don't be afraid of going to college and making new friends. Get involved with your academics and people in your major, this will help more than you know. Embrace the entire experience that college has to offer. Meeting new people and experiencing new things help shape and mold you as a person. Other people (friends, professors, mentors and everything in between) have different backgrounds and life experiences that can change the way you see life for the better, learn from them. Academics come first but it can be exciting and the library is not that bad. Keep focused and talk to your professors they really can help you and they are willing to help you if you put forth and effort.
If i could go back in time, i would make the decision to attend a four year university and of went. At first i started at a 2 year school which was not for me. I would focus more on school and less on work which has given me skills for my future but has in the past tainted my educational goals. Theres always time to make the right decision it just takes a big person to admit they are not on the right path.
Attend all your classes and plan to attend all classes for the entire semester. Save money, don't spend frivilously on music, games, or alchohol. Keep drinking and parties to the weekend, if you have free time during the week work on final projects. Don't leave papers till the last minute, you be more successfull and less stressed out if you get your assignments done early. The people around you may be trying alot of dangerous activities/substances, don't get pressured into following the crowd, do the right thing to keep yourself healthy. Stay out of trouble, if the police charge you with underage drinking or drug possesion it can seriously ruin your prospects of finding a career. Keep strong ties with home, you may think your parents are busybodies, but it's important to keep them posted as to how you are doing, they can offer good advice, and if your honest they will always help you out of trouble. Don't let anyone, especially a greek (frat. /sorority member), tell you who to be. Find the hardworking dilligent people in your class and make friends with them, or at least ask to study with them.
I would tell myself to make sure you pick the right friends. When making your schedule please go to rate my professor. com and if you dont like a class it's ok to drop it, as long as you do it before the midterm or cut off date.