Valdosta State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Valdosta State University know before they start?


To find the right school, a student must take into their minds how big they want the school to be, how much school spirit they want to be around, social life, what is around the campus, where they would want to live, the weather around the school, what percent graduates, and how many find jobs out of college.


Work as hard as you can to get your GPA as high as possible during your first year, so if you happen to not do well in a later class it won't be as hard to bring your GPA back up. Pick the college that you can see yourself being successfull at, don't pick it just because it really expensive, IVY leage, or because that's where your parents went; pick what's best for you.


A piece of advice I would give to any student or parent looking into a college would be to find a college with a campus that attracts you. You won't always be in class or your dorm, so a campus with a large lawn if fun to study on, or play sports on with your friends or even have lunch! Also, make sure you join as many clubs or activties you can. It's a great way to make life time friends and helps you find out who you really are and what you enjoy doing.


Parents and students should take tours of the campuses that the student is interested in , and talk with the people that go to school there. They should out about the class sizes, what kind of teachers does the school have, and how much work does the average student spend studying outside of class. They should also find out about the different activities that occur on campus.


I would definately have this conversation willingly and openly. In fact, Spring of 2010, I will be returning to my high school to talk to juniors and seniors about college. The advice I would give would be to make sure that the student makes the decision for them- what they truly want. The parents will be understanding, especially with aid available. Stay focused, because it is easy to fall into bad habits. There is no one to wake you up and tell you to go to class; you have to push yourself and know that you can do it. Things will happen in college that make you question your abilities, but you can't give up on yourself; college is about new experiences, finding yourself, making the transition to an adult, and being on track to bettering your future. Parents, be there for your rising stars and constantly remind them that you are proud. It will give them that extra boost and reassurance that they are America's future.


Parents and students should look closely at the academic quality of the school, but also at the student body environment before choosing which school to attend. Academics are a huge part of one's education but the student body and extracurricular activities will make a student a well-rounded individual. I also believe that the more colleges you visit, the easier it will be to choose which one fits you best, because the college you attend will be the one that you know from the start is where you are suppose to be.


Go to class.


My only advice is to listen to your heart. You know better than anyone else what your dreams are and what you want to accomplish. Don't let anyone persuade you to do otherwise. Choose the major and college that will benefit you and your life and your dreams. Because in the end after it is all said and done. YOU and YOU ALONE will have to live the life you have chosen and live with the decisions you have made. SO choose wisely.


don't give up after one month or so. It's tough for almost every other freshmen.


If a college-bound student came up to me and asked for advice on what they should do when finding a college to attend, I would tell them to explore all their options before making their final decision. It is very important to make sure you are going to be comfortable educationally as well as socially at the college or university you attend. Without reviewing all of your options, you might make a mistake and take longer to graduate than the typical student.