When deciding what college to attend, students should make sure, first and foremost, that the school they want to attend is just that: the school THEY want to attend. I've met people who have attended universities just because their friends are attending the same school. Later they realize that although the school provides them with what they need socially, it does not provide them with what they need academically. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be near your high school friends. After all, college can be a scary place, especially if you do not know anyone attending the school. However, research, visit and talk to others who are attending or have attended the school in order for you to make the best overall decision for you and your future.
Make sure you get to know the teachers that are teaching your major before you go to school. They are the ones that you will be with for four years, you do not want to regret picking the right school but the wrong teachers. Never forget to ask about teacher evaluations, they are very important, not all schools have them.
Parents and students should be involved in the finding the right college together. There are a lot of factors to consider and it takes both the student's desires and parents' expectation to find the right fit. Also, this process should be started early in order to allow time for adequate research. Visit the campuses you are interested in. You may find a deciding factor while visiting.
Parents helping their children find the right university need to look at three essential elements for college. First, meet with the teachers and go to Parent's Day. Here you can assess if the professors are open minded and critical thinkers. You really want your kids to learn, not just skate by. Second, clubs and organizations need to be checked out. This is a great way to become a well rounded individual and really interact with new and diverse people. Third, internships and/or international studies is a must. If you or your family is financially endowed, interning or studying abroad is a fantastic way to get ready for your career and to see the world around you first hand! My school also has great financial aid packages, so it's easy for kids without a lot of money to do these things and experience the world. The bottom line is go to a university that's free thinking, diverse, and helpful. And don't forget to have a little fun along the way.
Knowing who you are including your limits, goals, and anxieties is the best advice I could give to upcoming students. They need to be able to control themselves in a new environment and make the best decision according to their beliefs, ideas, and who they want to be affiliated with. Every school has a reputation, and as the saying goes "birds of a feather flock together." So if they choose a college that has a reputation of being party school, they will most likely party. If the school is known for being tough on academic standards and the student chooses it, then they already know what to expect. Knowing who you are is very important in selecting a college.
Choose a school that has the best surroundings and atmosphere that makes you feel comfortable because the school you choose will be your new home away from home. As for making the best out your college experience, try to get involved with the school and/or community. Go to college with an open mind and try to meet as many different people as you can. Remember to find the balance between your academic and social life. Don't forget why you're in college and what you're goals are. And most importantly, try to have fun!
Make sure you seriously think about where you want to attend school, this will be where you live for the next four years of your life. Make sure you visit EVERY perspective school more than once. Spend the night. Ask questions to current students. Do lot's of research. Maybe even try sitting in on a class and see if you can imagine youself there.
A lot of campuses require freshman to live in the dorms. Make sure you choose a school where you like the dorms. You don't want to be miserable away from home just because of the dorms. If you find out you will be living with another person, see if your school offers a roommate search, and search long and hard until you find the perfect roommate.
If you know you will get homesick, make sure you choose a school that's not too far from home.
When you start school, join as many groups and get as involved as possible. The more friends you have the more at home you will feel. Make sure you don't let social activites get in the way of school work! It will try to suck you in!
The best advice I have for new students is to become as involved as possible on campus. The more groups/organizations you involve yourself in, the more people you will meet and the more fun you will have. College is only as fun as you make. I would advice parents to always encourage their student to follow their first instincts on what they want to do. Also, always stay completely organized with school work, therefore equalling more time for FUN!!!
You and you son/ daughter should definately visit the school. They will know if they fit there or not. They should research things to do on campus and off. More importantly, they need to form their own opinions about the school and not listen to others. Don't follow friends or a boyfriend or girlfriend, go somewhere they like and they enjoy.
Some advice I would give to students and their parents is to look at all different types of colleges and try to visit your top three choices.