Choose your college and classes carefully, because if you know things are going to get ugly pretty quickly, either transfer or (if you still want to stay there) choose a different class.
Try harder in high school. It will make college much easier and fun for you. Also, appreciate the groups and clubs that you were in because maybe you could start something at college that other people would like. Find a group of people that share your same interests and stick to them. Also, don't forget about the friends you made in high school, because I regret not doing that now. Sure I have friends in college but I feel once I get back into the real world then there will be no one that I can talk too. That is why I am in the field of study that I am, so I can hopefully get my teaching degree and become a high school history teacher. That way I can pass this advice to my students and they won't be in the same place I am.
If I were to go back and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to visit different schools to find the one that best suits my needs and appeals to me. Also, I would tell myself to try and work, but not over do it. Work enough to live off of, but don't focus more time on work than school. Going out and having a good time with friends is necessary to give yourself a break from school, but don't get caught up in all the drinking and partying, it just leads to a downward spiral for some. Manage your time wisely is another thing. Spend some time relaxing and winding down from the class day, but then get started on homework. The worst thing you can do is to procrastinate. Get it done right away because then you do not need to worry about it later. It will also most likely be done better if you take your time on it and not have to rush.
I would tell myself not to be so naive. The real world is tougher than you think. Financial aid is something you fight for because it is not a given. It is a lot of hard work.
I would tell mysefl to prepare myself as if I were moving out on my own. To make sure that I have the things I need just as if I were still at home. In addition; I would say to get involved in campus activities early in my years and to be very socially active. Also to be true to myself and be who I am throughout my entire college career.
Once you get to college, make sure you go out and meet people! Get involved with the activities that are going on around campus early in the semester. Find a group of friends that you can get along with and get super close to them. Enjoy life, work hard in classes, and play hard on the field. You only get four years to experience what college is, so take advantage of every positive opportunity that it hands you!
My college experience has been valuable to me for several reasons. First, I have seen the potential I have for success. When I left high school, I did not understand the value of education, so I turned my back on college and enlisted in the military. Although I opened a few doors, I allowed many more to close. In contrast, the last year has been amazing because most of those doors are open again; I am like a kid in a candy store! Moreover, I have seen a completely different side of my personality. As a young person, I was not very active socially, and I did not have many friends. Over the past year, I have made a host of new acquaintances, and even a few friends. Finally, I have discovered a potential in society not only for tolerance, but also for responsibility. I had begun to doubt that the human race had any real potential for good, because nobody ever seemed to do the right thing when it counted. The people I have met here have demonstrated a collective conscience and devotion to ethics that are simply amazing. In short, Virginia Wesleyan College has changed my life.
I have gotten a lot out of college. I have learned so much about myself and about other people. I know now that I have the drive to maintain a 3.89 GPA and join the Honors and Scholars program. I learned that I can balance two jobs, an editorial position on the newspaper, and class. I have learned how important it is to me to finish school and be successful later on in life. I have also made some incredible friendships that I hope will last forever. It has been a great year and a half here at school and I hope I continue to have more great years. This environment and school has impacted my life in such a great way and I owe a lot to Virginia Wesleyan for allowing me to grow and become a better individual and a better citizen.
Attending Virginia Wesleyan College for the last year I have really appreciated the value of an education. This school constantly motivates me and makes me want to have a bright successful future. Before attending Virginia Wesleyan College I always wanted easy classes just to breeze through them and to come out with my degree. Now that I have been attending Virginia Wesleyan I look forward to the challenges that my professors place in front of me. I take on each challenge striving to perform ath the best of my ability. While attending this school I have even taken on a minor in business, praying that it makes my future even more brighter than I anticipated. Graduating soon with a Bachelor's Degree as a Psychology major and a minor in business I plan on doing great things and not forgetting my soon to be almata Virginia Wesleyan College, which has molded me into a positive individual who looks to take on a challenge.
So far, I have learned about the benefits of attending college not just for career goals but also for community service and giving back and overall involvement with the community. I have also learned the different routes my majors can take me in my future and I have become more involved in finding and pursuing my career goals. In general, my college experience has gave me the insight into how much I can really do with my future and how I can use my education to give back. Attending college has been extremely of value to me because it allowed me to begin to go forward with my education and aspirations. Not only has it got me looking forward to the future but also how to enjoy the present and use my education also as an opportunity to explore the world and many more of my interests. By attending college I have the chance to look forward to completing something my parents did not and making them even more proud of me for staying focused and graduating even with some odds against me.