Auburn University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Auburn University know before they start?


Practice organization as a way of being. Learn to prioritize activities and assignments. Keep an agenda book or calendar and be diligent about writing things down throughout high school. Work ahead whenever possible, leaving time for last minute details or opportunities. Organize your physical surroundings as well. Knowing where to find things in your room, desk or book bag will help you transition to a dorm room or small apartment in addition to saving you a lot of frustration. You will not have your parents or the same kind of teachers in college to remind you of tasks that need to be done so learn now to be responsible, organized and conscientious. You will find that these practices could help you to keep your grades up and still be able to enjoy all that campus life has to offer. Good luck!


Dear Abigail, I've been learning a lot lately. One important thing is that life is a long journey, and your path will cross the paths of others at times. There will be times that you'll walk along the path with them together, and there are times when your path forks with their own. Make deep friendships with those that really mean something to you because you'll never expect the time that comes when your path parts ways with another person. Remember that you're here for your studies, so work hard and excel. Keep things in perspective, remember, the Lord is guiding your life, so stay focused on loving other people and doing your best in all areas, your friendships, your studies, your body, and your time. There is so much to look forward to in the future, even as you go through bumps along the path. Learn from the brusies and keep walking forward with a smile. Don't try to be someone you think other people will like, they already like you for your corny sense of humor and energy. Every day is a blessing, so make the most of it. Sincerely, Future Abigail


One must feel hunger before the thought of eating enter's their mind, just as one can't appreciate something until going without it.


College is very different from high school in many ways. One of the biggest changes for me would be all the freedom and independence you have. The adviceI would give myself would be to manage my time wisely. Pay attention to the clock and what homework is due when. Parents are no longer by your side asking what all has to be completed for tomorrow. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to get involved on campus with some kind of club or group that sparks your intrest. Its a great way to network and meet new friends with some similar intrests as you. Plus, you get to have fun! Those two things are what stand out to me and are something I would have told myself.


Here are the MOST important things that one should know before they make the transition to college. 1. Staying on campus your first year may be the smartest decision you'll ever make. Staying on campus makes it easier for you to network with freshman just like you and it also makes it easier to get involved in organizations your first year. 2. Pre-Order Your Books A great way to save money is to pre-order your books. When you Pre-Order, you dont have to run around the bookstore the first day like a chicken with your head cut off and also, those who pre-order usually get the cheaper used books. 3. You do NOT have to attend every party A big part of college is freedom, however, know when enough is enough. You dont have to attend EVERY party thats thrown. You arent missing anything, there WILL be other parties. TRUST ME! and FINALLY 4. Dont forget who you are You're going to change ALOT during the first and second semester of college, but dont forget what makes you, YOU. Individuality will get you the interviews and jobs that you want. Not being a copy.


Knowing what I know now about college life, if i was able to go back in time and give myself advice it would be about how to prepare and not to overwhelm myself. I would give this advice becasue I remember when i first thought of applying to colleges and other schools how nervous i was about everything. I worried wether or not i would have the financial capability or not and i also worried about leaving behind family and friends. The advice would be helpful because being so worked up and oerwhelmed about the college experience can make you hold it off longer and possibly not go.


If I could go back to when I was a senior: I would tell myself that I should go to college, and not to give up your dreams. I am thirty nine years old attending Kaplan University for an associates degree in applied Science of Medical Transcription. I gave up my dreams the day I graduated, and I regret it. I am on Social Security Disability retraining for a new career in the medical field. Online distance learning is hard at my age to do. I work very hard for my grades. I push my self every day to stay where I am in school. My dream was to be a writter I ended up a waitress instead, or working in a manufacturing plant with just a high school diploma. Online learning is a challange for me. I have been out of school twenty two years. My advice to everyone is not to give up your dreams and futher your education at a young age. If I were able to go back in time I would of done things differently. If I only knew then what I know now my life would not be the way it is now.


I would tell myself that college is a life changing experience. There are so many new and exciting things you cannot even imagine. The people you meet will impact your life forever. If you get the chance to live in the dorms you should take because it will teach you a ton about yourself and others. Living in the dorms will also allow you to appreciate what you have in a way that you cannot imagine at this point. The important thing to remember is that you will need to work harder than you probably ever did in high school in order to succeed. In the end it will be entirely worth it!


I would explain to myself the importance of not being afraid to take that first step and engage in new activities - I was very nervous my first day at college, I wish I had just relaxed and enjoyed all the new activities around me instead of taking so long to open up to the wonderful activities Auburn Un. offers. Its a wonderful college and going to be the best time of my life!


The advice I would give myself would be that my study habits will have to change and I need to get involved. High School is WAY different than college. You do not have your parents to be there to make you meals, do your laundry, wake you up for school, and make sure all your work is done. I have to study much more than I had to study in high school because everything is not so easy anymore. Not only would I say to change my study habits but I would also say to get involved in the university. I didn't get as involved as I would of liked to. Getting involved makes the transtition much easier. You make so many new friends and you learn the ins and outs of the university.