Auburn University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Auburn University know before they start?


I am only a year and a half into my college experience, and I love it so much! It feels great to be on my own and learn new things. Not only have I gained irreplaceable knowledge in the classroom, but I have learned so much outside of class about different people, and a lot of different things. I think college has helped me (and is still halping me) become more mature, and will help me to become a responsible adult. Here, without my parents, I am responsible for my own actions. I have made mistakes, but I have learned from them as well. College has given me a taste of real life, and I look forward to graduating, because I know that I will learn even more after. But that being said, I am not ready to leave college yet! I still have a lot to learn!


I have gotten a foundation to build on and I am gaining a degree to secure my familys financal future. I want to be able to provide for myself and my son without worring about if I will be able to get a job paying enough money to support my family. I don't want to have to depend on others to take care of my family for me, so that is why I attend school.


I have learned so much while attending Auburn University. Not only academically, but socially. I have been exposed to such diversity like I have never been around in my life. I have grown to love my Auburn family and feel support from faculty and students in each endeveour I have run into. Throughout my college career I have been challenged, rewarded, uplifted, and encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and allow myself to be exposed. Auburn University is not only a place to have a "college life", but also growing and life-shaping experiences. As a student at this university I have been exposed to obstacles that I never would have been able to accomplish if not for my academic advisors, financial aid advisor, and my best friends that I have met because of this wonderful university. I have learned to appreciate different things in my life, like I never would have before. I believe in Auburn and love it!


The thing that have gotten out of my college experience is to pick a carrer choice that makes you happy. For the reson that so many people change their majors so much just because they can not handle the work load; but if you can not handle the work load you might not lik that job of choice anyway. I say this because i have been working towards this major for three years now and at times I would love to take a easier major but I know if I changed I would not love the carrer choice in the end.


My experience here at Auburn University has opened up my mind, m heart, and has given my thoughts wings. At 18 yrs old and a new high school graduate, I was unsure of who I was to become, unsure of what I stood for exactly, and was fearful of the unknown. I am now a college Junior, majoring in political science with a minor in spanish. My work ethic has increased exponentially and I now have an understanding of what hard workd truly is, and strangely enough I enjoy it. I have grown in the way that I am now able to handle relationships and my daily activities with more maturity and confidence. I could not have chosen a better city to spend my college years in, Auburn is a perfect place to help student balance their school, goals, and social life equally.


I'm just beginning college but so far it's allowed me to grow culturally ,socially, spiritually and academically. Ive been challanged in the classroom but more importantly, I've been chalanged to meet students who are dissamilar to me. I've learned to share life with people form different states, countries and cultures. I've learned to see things their way and view the world around me with fresh, exciting eyes. In the few short months I've lived here I've immersed myself in a whole new environment; although it's a few hundred miles from home, I feel a world away. The most vaulable benefit I've aquired from attending college is the ability to be more cognizant of the world around me and to not only respect, but truly embrace the diversity that beautifully exists.


The best thing thing that I've gotten out of college is hard work pays off. Anything worth doing isn't going to be easy. Studying and hard work will lead me to the future I am destined to have.


College has been a self discovering experience. I have learned and matured so much, that I am daily surprising even myself. At one point in my life, i was shy and depended on everyone else to handle my problems. Since attending college a new wave of independence has invaded my thinking. Now i have no need to wait on someone else to accomplish something for me when i have the power to do it myself. Attending a college like Auburn University has pushed me to go out of the box by meeting new people, seeking assisitance when needed, and introducing me to various cultures and ideas everyday. Auburn Universtiy has made me realize that I am the only one who can make possibilities and dreams come true. In order for my dreams to become reality, I have to fight and persevere because failure is certainly not an option.


I haven't been apart of the university for very long. In fact at this time, I have only gone to freshman orientation. However, just through that experiance I know that I have made the right choice in my college choice. I was able to immediately meet people that I know that I will be friends with for a long time. Also I was able to meet several professors and based on those encounters I know that they are dedicated to helping the students. They emphasize getting to know your professors and all the current students I talked to said that the teachers are always available to help students with whatever they need. I feel at home when I am there and don't want to leave. I really enjoy being at the campus because it is positively beautiful.


I came from a small highschool and a small town, and I was the first person in my whole school to come to Auburn University. Out of all the many lessons I learned throughout my first year in college, the most important thing I learned was getting involved. Getting involved not only allows you to give back to your college or uniersity, but it helps you make friends. I came alone to college, so I knew I needed to get involved. So I joined the Auburn University Marching Band. It was extremely time consuming and caused me to study more than I ever had just to keep up. But because I got involved in something, I was part of a group of people who loved me. The people I met just as a freshman allowed my first year of college to be something I would remember forever. Auburn University is my second home. And I can't picture myself anywhere else.