Some advice that i would give parents and students about finding the right college is do your reasearch and have a check list. Once you get accepted to all your schools, visit them all and decide where you would most likely fit in. Also most students graduation from high school dont know what they want to be yet, but when deciding a college you should know if you want a big school or a small school, what area it is in, and what they have to offer you.
The most important thing in choosing a college is to feel comfortable. Not every college is right for everybody and you must find the one where you can feel at home. If you are not comfortable then you will have a tough time making good grades and adjusting socially.
Next, brainstorm the five or six things that are most important to you (ex.: major, size, price, sports, social life, etc.) and make sure that you look at colleges that have all of those characteristics.
Lastly, do not under any circumstances follow friends and/or a boyfriend or girlfriend to school. You must find the place that is right for you. You will meet so many new people in college and make tons of new friends.
War Eagle!
When looking for colleges make sure you think big and don't limit your options early on. Go and visit campuses that you are interested in and talk to some of the students there. Think about what majors they have to offer, what campus involvement and student life is life and consider the location relative to home. After considering these factors, find out about the financial responsibilities and talk to an administrator if available. It is very helpful to have advice from the inside.
Once you decide on your college, get ready for the experience of a lifetime! College is all about what you make of it. This is the best time of your life to make your own decisions and really learn a litte bit about who you are. Go out and get involved in clubs and groups around campus. This is not only a great way to meet new people, but it is also the best way to figure out where you fit in. Don't be hesitant to try out new things-it only gets harder to do the longer you wait!
Most of all, have fun!
I feel that choosing a college relatively close to home, within 6 hours, is the best choice. I have enjoyed joining a fraternity and the benefits and experiences that i have gained from it have really proved it as a worthwhile commitment. Remember that you will only go through college once so i recomend making the best of it and try to have the best time of your life. I spent plenty of time partying with friends this year but i also spent at least three nights a week at the library so regardless of what you may believe there is time for everything. I enjoyed living near campus this year and next year i am practically living on campus again and i recomend staying on campus in a University owned dorm/apartment for your freshman year. I recomend seeking out financial aid at your earliest conveniece because the earlier that you begin looking the easier you will be able to find and recieve it. And lastly keep your mind open to new things every day because you will be experiencing new thing nonstop and that is where the fun in college comes from.
Take a campus tour when you are considering options and go for the one that feels perfect. When you get to college try everything you can and give yourself/your child room to grow. Look for financial aid in every form; apply for every scholarship you can-it will pay off! Study, make friends, and relax! The best four years of your life will pass by quickly, so take time to acknowledge how far you've come! Enjoy college!
Knowing what you are interested in would be a great place to begin your search for a college. For example, if you enjoy science and math, look at schools that have strong Engineering programs. This would ensure that you fit in at the school you choose. Something an advisor once told me was to apply to three different types of schools: your dream school, your reality school, and a back-up, just in case. The next step would be to apply, apply, apply for scholarships. Look everywhere- there are plenty of scholarships if you are willing to take the time to look for them, and every penny counts, especially if you are paying out-of-state. Parents, help your student with the application process and with the search for scholarships. Students, if you are going to a school where you don't know anyone, don't be afraid to talk with other students; most likely, they are going through the same thing you are. This is probably most important. Making new friends is an exciting process! These are the people you will have fun with for the next four years of your life, and don't forget- talk to professors!
I can't tell you how to find the right college for you. It's kind of like trying to find who you are going to marry. Peopl can give you all kinds of advice, but in the end, you are the one who makes the decision, and sometimes you have to make some mistakes to get to the right choice. But there are several things you need to consider, like how well you work in large groups. If you don't like crowds or big lecture halls, don't go to a big school. You also need to look at how well-known the school is for the major you want. If that major is not well-established, prospective employers won't be impressed with your degree. And if you don't like football, keep in mind that the majority of large universities are obsessed with football, and you will be left out of a lot of extracurricular activities for a few months. When you get to school, keep an open mind, and be willing to step outside of your box. Whoever said high school was the best 4 years of your life, never went to college.
Make sure you look into multiple colleges and visit them. Look at all the extra-curricular things as well as the academic side. Once you find the right fit, get involved in as much as you can. Make friends and work hard but don't forget to have fun.
When choosing the right college, you should choose a place that you feel will allow you to develop as a person. For example, pick a college that is going to allow you to broaden your horizons and open up opportunities to try new things that you might not have been able to otherwise. Make sure it?s a place where you can spend the next four years of your life there. Visit different Universities. It is like making a major purchase, you want to shop around and compare different prices and styles before making the decision. Once in college, the best way to make the most of your experience is to get involved in something, whether it is clubs, student organizations, sports, etc. This will allow you to network and meet new people. Lastly, if you always keep in mind that you?re in college to get and education and prepare your self for the next stage in life, there is no doubt that you will not enjoy every minute of you college experience.
The advice i would give would be apply early. If you apply early you will get a possible garuntee spot because Auburn is very competative. When you apply early you get the best tickets to the footbal game, more money from financial aid, the ability to talk to your prefessors before school starts and they can give you hints on the materials you will need. Applying early has its benefits and you want the best for yourself and/or your child.