Auburn University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Auburn University know before they start?


Don't be scared to step out of your comfort zone and meet people. Also, express yourself, but don't be over the top.


If I could say anything to the former me, I would say, "Jasmine, make the best of your high school experience and do not take it for granted. Do the best that you can in everything from sports to the classroom. No matter how tough things may become, just remember to stay strong, do not stress, and believe in your ability to be great and achieve great things. Strengthen the friendships that you value because everyone might not still be with you when college arrives. Never sell yourself short or think that there is someone better or more deserving in anything because if you do not believe in you, then you cannot expect anyone else to. Also, never decide to not try something or let an opportunity pass you by for the fear of failing because the accomplishment found in succeeding is enough to overcome any failures that you might attain along the way. Finally, just remember that at the end of the day and in everything you do, to be thankful for where you are, remember where you have come from, cherish your family and lean on them when needed, and do not be afraid to ask for help."


If I could give my younger-self any advice for the future, it would be pick your career choice now and work with it in some volunteer at music school. Medical? work at a hospital. Business? Ask someone to help with their small start-up. Find something and make it happen now. Practice makes perfect...


I would tell myelf to work on my study habits. I wasn't prepared for college the least bit. I found out the hard way failing my first couple of tests. I couldn't keep up with the amount of work put out, and the amount of material being covered. I had buckle down and force better study habits and self discipline.


I would tell my high school self to finish up high school with good grades in my last semester. I would also advise myself to train in the summer, and go the extra mile to get into Air Force ROTC. Lastly, I would tell my high school self to get to Auburn University well before the Fall semester started so I could acclimate to the school and city.


Don't apply to ten schools, stop trying to make everyone else happy, don't go into your second choice school with the mentality that you're going to transfer, college doesn't last forever, give Iowa State a chance, don't wait until two hours before the deadline to commit to a school. I needed a lot of advice my senior year of high school, but my life would be completely different had someone told me that college is about who you're with, not where you are. Every college has the good, the bad, and the ugly; the sunshine, the clouds and the natural disasters (Ames flood of 2010, Alabama tornadoes 2011); the rewarding classes, the horrible professors and the I'm-changing-my-major-after-this exams. But not every college has my Gamma Phi sisters, my fourth floor boys, and the laugh-so-hard-you-cry memories. After meeting my best friends at Iowa State University I know that away from the classes and beyond the degree, you're left with the college experience and most importantly who you spent it with.


Study!!! College is alot harder than high school. Take a balance of academic and elective classes so you can maintain your GPA level.


I would tell myself that if you could get enough money to go to a four year college, because of the experiences and to meet new people. But if you don't there is nothing wrong with going to a community college because they are still good schools and you can get a good education from them. If you go to a community college it's cheaper and you can get the first two years out of the way and save money doing it. Figure out what you what to do early in life and go after it because doing other things may not be a good thing for you to do. But do what ever makes you happy because what ever you do is not wrong.


Dear Amanda, High school has been easy for you, and you have received good grades without having to exert too much effort. However, college will not be the same. Sure, freshman year is a bit of a review, but come sophomore year your classes will become much more difficult. This may come as a shock to you, but you do not kow how to study. Believe me, looking over your notes a few minutes before class is not effective studying. Take the time to skim through your textbooks because your professors will simply assume that you are reading along on your own time (even if you are not). Learn to take efficient notes; you do not need to write down everything the teacher says, just hit the highlights. Begin studying your notes, and learn the beauty of the notecard. Create flashcards and quiz yourself, because there will not always be someone to help you study. Despite what your friends may say, pulling all-nighters in college is a terrible idea. In fact, try to start getting a consistent seven hours of sleep a night (eight is nearly unrealistic, to be honest). You will need it. Trust me. Love, Amanda


Going to a completely new place with no body you know can be one of the scariest thing you do in your life. The one thing you have to realize is you are not the only one at this university that knows absolutely no one. From the beginning you need to step out of your comfort zone and be a friend. For the past 18 years of your life friendships have been handed to you, you're friends with the kids in your neighborhood and the the kids in your classes at school, but college is a whole different ball game. You're not going to find your best friend right away but being outgoing and friendly will make the search much easier and less upsetting. Eventually you will have been around enough people to realize who will be a true friend to you. You may meet them in math class or in some kind of organization. But do not expect instant friendship, especially if you are not willing to be someone's friend first.