Auburn University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Auburn University know before they start?


Assuming I could go back in time to myself in High School I would tell myself two things. The most important piece of advice I would give myself would be to learn as much as I could. The second piece of advice I would give myself is to make the most out of the time I have left. The reason I would tell myself to learn as much as I could is because once in college I have built on top of the things I had learned. Take advantage of all the education that is offered and challenge yourself to. Education is one thing none can take from you and it will only make transitioning into college that much easier. Also, advising myself to make the most out of high school because I am only able to be there once. The friends that I formulate in high school will help me throughout my life. The life skills that I learn from the friendships, activities, and experiences will make the transition into college life that much easier. I would tell anyone, not just myself, this advice. Making this transition, being such a big life change, is a great challenge for anyone.


Life in my country is a very hard thing to remember, i am orignally from Africa, getting a better education is very hard, i struggled to finish my high school. My parents were not rich enough to put but me through school, but due to determinations and hard work, i graduated and got my diploma. I will say to myself now that, with hard work and grate deermination i will achive my desire.


If I could go back and talk to myself I would say multiple things, but first I would talk to my parents. I feel if I would have been able to afford college, and my parents would have saved for my eduacation a lot of things would have went differently. I feel that college has taught me so much about life that, I would have never known and has prepared me for what real life is, but if I could say a couple of things it would be; Shoresh make sure that you go to a school that you can finacially afford. Second would b e to get involved and meet people, because networking is a major component of succeeding in college, study groups, and tutoring. Thirdly I would say to study as much as possible, even when you dont feel like studying study any way. Fourth I would say get to know your professors they are the people that hold your destiny and your grade, if you need help get it at the beginning. and last but not least make sure that you live everyday like there is no tomorrow, take in every experience in college and love it.


I would tell myself to be prepared for the ups and downs that goes along with college and to never give. College will be extremely hard but you can do it. I would also tell myself that to go out and discover something new and not to let work interfer with school. I would tell myself to enjoy school because it only last 4 years and then you are off into the real world. You have no second chances to enjoy life as it is now.


I would say that it is important to remember to be yourself. While you are moving from high school when you had a group of really close friends to college where you do not know as many people, it is easy to get caught up in everything new and lose sight of what is truly important to who you are. When I first got to Auburn, I was so worried about fitting in and making friends that I changed who I was to make others happy. After a while, I realized that I was not acting myself and I needed to think about my priorities. It is much better to have friends that love you for who you are than to have friends that will only love you if you act or dress like them. The advice I would give is to always remember who you are and what makes you happy, and that is the most important thing.


If i go back in time to when i was a highschool senior, i know that i've already comple ted all SAT and/or ACT which i don't have to worry about anymore. i would advise myself to expand my knowledge and understanding about colleges and what i can do besides academics meaning extracarricurral activities. since i've come straight from a third world country, Ethiopia, i would try to assure myself that Auburn is a friedly place and that i wouldn't feel homesick or go through a huge culture shock. overall, i will tell myself that i've made a great choice in deciding to come to Auburn university in Alabama where i will get outstanding academics and extracaricurral activities as well.


I would tell myself to focus but to ligthen up on myself and have some fun. I would also tell myself to take a minute and enjoy each second of being young, not having too many responsibilities, and to make good, life-long friends.


I'd go back and tell myself t o focus more on my schooling as opposed to working so much. I'd push myself harder in track and field so that I can get a scholarship for school and so I would have better scores on my Army Physical Fitness Test . I'd also allow myself to spend some time with my friends and applying for scholarships. The last thing I'd do is learn to manage my time better with my extra curricular activities so that I'd have time for everything and still have time to relax.


Be open to new things and don't be afraid to ask for help from older students, professors and advisors, because everyone just wants to see you succeed. Your first semester away from home is always the most difficult and many people get home sick, but staying at your college on weekends will help you adjust faster and make more friends. Every freshman comes to college not knowing anybody, so it's really easy to meet people when you get there. The people you meet in college will be your best friends for life. Also, going to class is important. Professors want you to do well but they will not treat you like children and they need to see you put in effort. Even though no one is there to make you go to class and study, it's important to put school first because there is always plenty of time to have fun and there is always something going on in a college town. And lastly, have fun because these 4 years will fly by!


I would tell myself to work harder and focus more. The first semester of college is going to be a fun time, but do not let yourself get caught up in the social aspects of college. Study hard and stay focused because if you get behind it is hard to catch up in college.