Success is built on the amount of effort one puts into something. As for me, using what I have gained through my college experience has been a great asset. I've learned a lot about the world around me, met many great and interesting people, and discovered things about myself that weren't always clear. College experiences are akin to legacies. They give birth to new people and new generations. They maintain equilibrium for those communities like mine that have too few resources and people with great ambition and afford them incredible opportunity. Though it has never been easy, the effort I puts into it and the perseverance required has made me a stronger and more diligent person slowly becoming more and more prepared for the world.
I have learned the importance of working hard and managing your time wisely. I have received real-world work experience through an internship program at Auburn that enabled me to see what my career would be like one day. I have gained so much knowledge on life, education, and the future. I will always remember these years some of the best of my life. My college experience was so valuable because I was able to participate in so many extra curricular activities through one Engineering organzation. I was able to meet with alumni, network with potential employers, and be introduced to many substantial donors of the College of Engineering in particular. I feel so blessed to have gained all of these experiences, and I would not change a thing.
The most significant lesson I believe I have learned during my time at Auburn University is that time is our most valuable possession as human beings. We are intelligent creatures with an astounding ability to perform time managment, however many people lack this skill. I am only beginning to understand the major importance of this as there never seems to be enough time in the day. I have developed a passion for learning and truly understanding the way the world works. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to read a textbook and then go out and actively apply the concepts in everyday life!
I feel I am receiving an excellent education and will be well prepared to enter the business world. Auburn University is a well respected university and provide excellent credentials for my resume. Being President of a 200 member social sorority has greatly increased and honed both my leadership skills and my time management skills. Majoring in Communications, it has been great having the Eagle Eye Television station on campus enabling me to get hands on experience. I have loved my college experience and I have made friends and memories that will last a lifetime.
I have gained not only knowledge and useful tools about life during my college experience, but I have also gained knowledge about myself. College, in addition to being on my own and independent, has taught me a lot about myself and who I am as an individual. I have met many great people during my short time here at Auburn University. I feel as though I have established friendships during my first year that shall last a lifetime. In addtion to being educational, college has also been loads of fun. Going to football games, partying, hanging out with friends are just a few of the components that have highlighted my freshman year. I am looking forward for the many adventures ahead. Attending Auburn University has bee very valuable to me because it has blessed me with the oportunity to further my eduation and better myself as a person. I now have the ability to accomplish all those desires I dreamed about as a little girl. Through my college education, I will be capable of giving back to my family, community, and college. Auburn University to has been a dream come true. " I believe in Auburn and love it!"
College is more than just showing up to class, acing tests and going to football games. The experiences I learned from were the day-to-day interactions with fellow students, professors and anyone else that crossed my path. Learning to network and market myself has been invaluable with job interviews and other projects I have done in life. Without knowing how to 'go out there and get what you want,' you are stuck in a mediocre existence. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable is the concept to understand. The things in life that are worth having require work and that work started with my college experience.
If I was allowed to go back in talk to myself as a Senior I would tell myself to get prepared for a long journey. I would have prepared myself to study more because you can not get through college without doing so. I would say that it is really important to be prepared for unexpected twist and turns in my path and to make friends but not get to tied up with them. Stay focused and be able to manage school and fun all together. Also that although most classes are not mandatory, it is still very important to attend them regularly and while doing so focus in on what the teacher has to say. And that PROCRASTINATION is not the key to success, it only leads to failure. But all in all enjoy my time in college and be the best at whatever I may do.
College is a process that many people go through and come out in many different variations from the things they have learned. It captures the essence of your true identity as a person and challeges you to work hard and be fully responsible for the first time in your life. It's tough to summarize the many different things college has taught me in my two years but I seem to always look back to my first days comming to college and thinking this is my time to be an individual. The funny thing is that I have become more a part of a family here at Auburn than being my "individual." My college experience has come in my greater understanding of the world around me through experieces that only college can teach you and has already molded me to be a person who understands responsibity, hard work, and perserverance. Most of all I have learned the value of relationships and how important they are to me. I believe my college experience has taugh me how to deal with but also embrace every relationship I have in order to be successful in them the rest of my life.
There is a lot to be said about the transition into college, and it?s a subject that I wish I could have been more informed on before starting my freshmen year. I have learned to be independent and more mature over the last few months, and I have gained wisdom that I would have given anything to have in high school. For starters, academics are so important throughout college, and I have learned not to procrastinate or approach college tests with too much ease. I now realize how important a good night of sleep is before test day; staying up all night studying is not the answer. Take academics more seriously than high school and use this time of continued education as an opportunity to gain wisdom.The social aspect of college is also very important because it defines who one is as a person. There are many new people to meet, but I realized that best friends will not be found immediately. Everyone experiences loneliness; some people are just better at hiding their emotions. Take the time to form genuine relationships. Treasure every new friend and experience, and always try to learn or gain from every situation.
As a high school student, I would put college number on the list as soon as I graduated from high school. I would do as well in high school and keep good grades. I would talk with other people and find out if anyone was considering the same college ,in order, to possibly make living arrangements with them. I would be as much involved with the school's activities, so it was possible to meet and interact with as many individuals as possible. However, the most important, study hard and do my best. The better the GPA, the easier to transition into graduate to futher your education.