Choosing a college is a huge decision that should not be taken lightly. The best advice that I can offer in finding the right school is to visit, find a bench in the middle of campus, and have a seat for a while. As a safari guide would say, "Observe the unsuspecting students in their natural habitat." What kind of atmosphere does the campus have? Ask students and faculty first-hand what they think of the school. Admissions counselors will rarely talk about any of the school's negative aspects, but impromptu interviews will yield a better, comprehensive portrait of the college. The biggest question that parents and students need to ask after visiting is whether they can see that school as home.
Students will be making a new life at college, and to make the most of their experience they should get involved in one new activity every year. From intramural sports and fraternities or sororities to academic organizations and activist groups, the most enriching college experience is one that gives students the opportunity to gain perspective from the people and activities around them without the stress of overcommitment.
I believe the most important part in finding a college, is that you feel the most at home while on campus, or in the dorms. Another thing is that they have a reputable course of study for what you would like to enter into. To make the most of your college experiences you really need to have friends. It is very important though that you do not let your social life be the most important thing. You are paying to attend the school and by abandoning your schoolwork, you won't pass. There needs to be a balance between homework and friends, and when you find the balance that allows you to do well in your classes and still find time to just hang out with friends, then you will have an amazing expericance at school.
Also college is not all about the partying and drinking, don't waste this amazing part of your life being wasted or high all the time!
The advice that I would give to parents and studets who are trying find the right college is to start early! Make sure that you get your applications in early. I work in the admissions office at my University and it is essential for prospective students to get their applications in early if they want to be considered for scholarships as well as first choice on housing and classes. I would also recommend that students visit several colleges, because you can learn so much about the college or university by visiting that you cannot learn on the website. Really look at how the students and faculty treat you and how well they are able to answer your questions. The other thing is once you have picked out the college you would like to go to get involved in campus groups and activities right away that way you are sure to make friends and do things that interest you. The other benefit of this is that some groups look really good on resumes. Last but not least work hard and have fun college is suppose to be some of the best years of your life so make the most of it!
Do not worry about what college is the right one. It is all what you make of it.
Try to have a good idea of what you want to do for the rest of your life before going to college, but at the same time, if it isn't working, try something different. Nothing's concrete until you have the degree, and even then it can still be up in the air. Have fun with college, but take it seriously and do your work; especially if it's what you're planning on doing with the rest of your life. Take it seriously, and learn as much as you can.
I would give the advice to follow your heart. Choose somewhere that you feel comfortable after having visited. Somewhere with a strong program within your major and with extra-curriculur activities that fit well within the range of your interests and hobbies. Make sure to find a campus where the majority of students seem to live life the way you do, it will make finding friends much easier. Really dive into friendships and school work. Live every day to its fullest and take each opportunity that comes your way so you will never have regrets.
Make sure that you fill the FAFSA as soon as possible. Think about what your most passionate about as a profession. You don't have to know it all, but brainstorm on things you are good at, love... Then take a variety of classes you're interested in. Go out for all scholorships you can! Finally work hard when you can, especially during the summers! Be very careful in college to have a budget and not stray away from it!! Finally make sure to maintain family connections but also be your own person. Own your own life!
My personal motivating phrase has been, "What you put into school will be what you get out of it." Chose a school where you feel comfortable, and where you think you will be the most motivated to do your best. The rest is up to you. Work hard, keep focused, and do what you love to do. You'll earn what you decide to invest.
If the environment at school is a good one, I strongly recommend having them stay on campus for at least one year. It's a great experience, and you make some really great friends. That's what I did. I stayed on campus for my freshman year, and now I'm commuting to save some money. :)
Your experience rises and falls with you. The campus could be the most wonderful place in the world, but if your attitude is rotten, you will never have a fulfilling college experience. Attitude is everything. Secondly, never think High School can carry you through college. Leave high school at the door and get ready for something completely new. Upperclassman aren't going to care if you were a football superstar or the most popular person. So do yourself a favor and come to school ready to tackle a new frontier and be willing to make new friends and learn new ideas. If you can do that, people will respect you, your social life will be amazing, and you'll cherish your college memories forever.