Cornerstone University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Cornerstone University know before they start?


You have much to learn. The world is much bigger than your little circle, and yet, you can't save everyone. You have to pick and choose; don't spread yourself too thin. There are so many good organizations with which you can volunteer, but you can't do everything. Go and try new things, but don't turn your back on who you are. The friendships you have now might last into adulthood, but they might not. So much of friendship is based off being near each other - and common interest. When your friends move away, they might not be your friends anymore. Cry a little, and then go out and make new friends. Pay attention in class, but don't spend too much time on your homework. A social life is important. Don't try to work two jobs and do well in school. It's not healthy. Splurge a little, but keep saving money. You'll need it. Eat right, but eat a doughnut every now and then, too. It keeps you sane. And above all else: read the Bible and pray every day. Get closer to God. He's the only real thing in this world.


Rob, Start planning early and start saving early. College isn't as easy to pay for as sometimes you might think. Look for scholarships, financial aid and good loans. Figure out how you can pay for the college you want to go, and do it as soon as possible. Its not an easy thing picking up the load of responciblity that college brings but if your smart about it and plan ahead you will be fine. The transition from high school to college is a hard one, but not an impossible one. Believe in yourself and don't feel discouraged or overwhelmed by everything and know that you are just as capable of doing what you want to do as anybody else. It's a huge change in your life, it will determine the rest of your life so be wise. Start planning now.


Transition from high school to college wasn't bad for me at all--the harder transition was from freshman to sophomore year. I'd definitely tell myself that my relationships with people would change and I can't expect things to be the same as they were the previous year. With that in mind, I think I would have been able to more fully embrace my sophomore year and I would have better anticipated the challenges it brought.


I have not yet started college yet, but i am starting next month. If i could go back in time knowing what i know now, i would tell myself to take more classes my sinior year. But honestly i think if i went back and talked to myself, knowing how i was, I wouldnt have listened to myself. To be honest again, I think i did the bast that i could at the time. The things i did then made me who i am today. So would have taking more classes helped me? Yes, but how I did in my classes helped me understand what i need to do and what i can do in college. I didn't do bad in school but i didnt do the best if i REALLY tried. But if i tried REALLY hard i think i would have lost my social life as well. So with my GPA and my social life i would have to say I did pretty well in high school and wouldn't change a thing.


If I were to confront my high school senior self, I would admonish that self to find a job as quickly as possible. I now find myself in a tight situation because I took a small part-time job during school. I would also admonish myself to save money, rather than spend it. My financial situation would be much better if I had put more money into savings rather than recreation. Finally, I would admonish myself to take a closer look at that one certain cute girl in English Society. I would love to have the chance to start my relationship with my girlfriend sooner than I did.


I would tell myself that applying to Cornerstone University is the best choice. I would tell myself not to worry about college because Cornerstone is not like other colleges; drinking alcohol, smoking, doing drugs, and sleeping around are NOT the norm at this university. I am very thankful that I do not have to worry about this. I feel safe on campus and I know that when I go to a party that we can have a great time without all of that. I feel blessed to be in such an environment. I would tell myself to get involved in more school activities and clubs on campus because there are only four years of college and now is the time to experience these fun things. I would tell myself that it is important to keep good grades, but that the world will not end if I do not get a 4.0. I would tell myself to sign up for the Greece trip and the Haiti trip because these would be unforgetable trips that change your life.


I would tell myself to be open-minded about choosing a college. To remember that my thoughts and ideas on life will change and that I need to be somewhere that will help me. I would tell myself not to brow of senior year because its a stepping stone to college and the rest of your life. I would tell myself to save my money because being broke like i am right now is no fun and that finding a job can be difficult. I would tell myself to take advantage of the time you have left with your family cherish that time because I know for me now i wish i had. I wish i learned more from my dad and got closer to my mom. And i wish i had a better relationship with my younger sister. I would also say to be ready for change because it will happen whether you like it or not.


Get involved. Be yourself.


I would tell myself to prepare more in advance. To explore the options.


Christi, You?re a highschool senior now, you think you are "all that." I wish you knew that you weren?t. I wish you knew that biting your thumb nail the night before prom truly wasn?t that big of a deal. I wish you had put your heart into playing the music during band instead of thinking about that cute boy with his shiny Saxophone. I wish you could believe you are beautiful. As you enter college you are going to regret ever being mean to that ?new girl? because she is going to be you very soon. Treat all people with respect especially the girls who would take a bullet for you. Grow up a little and keep your heart safe, know who you are as a person and keep standing up for what you believe in. Have fun, be open to change, and study hard. Learn not only from teachers and books but from the experiences you are going to run into. Keep your chin up even when you think you are drowning because you will make it through this thing called ?college.? Love your older self Ps. You are going to miss mom and dad