If I could go back in time and give myself advice, I would simply tell myself to be comfortable with who I am and be myself. This sounds like odd advice, but during my first semester, there were plenty of people who had the "fresh start. I can be who I want" mindset. Then when second semeser comes around, people are back to being their old selfs. I think the concept of a fresh start is great, but I do not think people need to chance themselves. People always tell me that the friends you meet in college are friends for life. If they are frineds for life, they deserve to know the real you. College is the time to figure out who you are, what you believe, what you want to do with your life and so much more. BE YOURSELF. No one else gets the chance to be you. I would tell myself that I am perfect the way I am and I was born to be who I am today. Never change who you are because no one is better at being you, than you. Thank You!
I would absolutely love to go back in time and talk to myslef as a high school senior. The number one thing that I would tell myself is to get involved. There are so many opportunities in school, and even more after high school and in the real world. That is so important because opportunity is what leads to success. Getting involved means playing sports, joining clubs, community service and anything else that is available. Trying new things is how we learn what we like and don't like and essentially what we may want to do with our lives. Sometimes it can be hard to step out of our comfort zones but it is worth it. College presents many opportunities and they lead to some great experiences, it can be a very scary time, but it is what we make it. I would tell myself to do what scares me. When we miss an opportunity we look back and see what could have been and I dont want to live like that. I hope that I have the courage to take whatever comes my way and live life to the fullest.
When I look back on high school I think about how scary the future seemed. I knew I was going to Cornerstone to play volleyball in the Fall, but that is all I knew. I had no idea what was in store for me. I had absolutely no idea I was going to make such amazing friends and create such amazing relationships that will stay with me forever. If I could give myself advice as a senior, I would tell myself it will all be worth it. Being terryfied of moving on to the next chapter of my life was scary and I was not sure what the outcome would look like. I would be sure to tell myself to push through and perservere because in the end, it will be worth it and I will have an amazing opportunity to build a life that matters.
I would encourage myself to take advantage of scholarships right away as a freshman. College gets really expensive, and you don't realize it right away until you accumulate too much debt. Do research on scholarships and apply, apply, apply. Also, be in great contact with your academic advisor. Make sure that you know what classes you NEED to take, and take them at appropriate times. Get a clear idea of what you need to do in order to graduate on time, and act appropriately when scheduling classes. Be involved with the school, because it will make your time much more enjoyable. Make friends, and don't let school consume your life.
Dear High School Senior Self, The next year ahead of you will be both one of the best and one of the hardest years of your life. You will discover who you are, make many new friends, and learn to be more independent. College is full of new experiences and oppertunities. Don't be afraid to try new thing even if you fail. There are people to meet, things to learn, and things to discover. Enjoy this next year because you are only a college freshman once.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that there's more to life than who you are in high school and the labels that are placed on you there. I would say that college will open up so many doors that you could never imagine - it's a clean slate that you can use to be the person that you want to be. There will be temptations, hardships, and struggles that will sometimes lead you to cry or yell in anger, but college is the time where you really learn about yourself, so don't be afraid to go through all of these things, even with the risks involved. The shy, fearful, and intimidated girl you are will grow to be a strong and independant woman who learns so much about herself, her faith, and how confusing yet amazing life is. So the most imporant advice I would tell myelf is to not be afraid of being yourself are and to always have courage, because who you become is a person that you will be so proud to be.
assuming that I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would tell myself to stop being afraid. To take that leap of faith and go to a University as I had planned. I would advise myself that with scholarships and a job I can afford it and my family will be okay. Thinking back to my young high school self I know that I was afraid of a lot of things, how will I pay? where would I live? will my parents survive financially? Will I be homesick? Is it worth it?. So many questions run through my mind, and no one was there to answer them. So I would say, go, go to school and make your dream come true. Belive that you can do it and you will find a way because nothing is impossible and a dream should never be ignored.
The advice I would give to my highschool self is to challenge myself more. Instead of focusing so much on having a fun senior year I would challenge myself with harder class. Transitioning to college wasn't as easy as I liked because I didn't have the proper study habits. The advice I would give to myself would be to focus on school work, take challenging classes, and have fun doing it.
"I will do it later". This is along the lines of what I thought to myself when it came to applying for scholarships to help pay for my college tuition. However, if I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself "Do them right away, and do as many of them as you can". Furthermore, because I did not do this I am behind on one of my first semester tuition payments, and I am not sure how all of my second semester tuition will be paid. In conclusion, as a senior in high school it is not only important to find the college that is best for you, but to also prepare for the financial obligations that come with attending a college/university.
If I could go back in life and tell my high-school senior self a few things, I would probably laugh at myself and tell my senior-self to take a deep breath. I was worried about being an outcast in college, not making friends, having too much to worry about, and not being able to get everything done I needed to. I was worried then about teachers telling me everything was on me and my life depended on only myself. I would tell my senior-self to take a deep breath and relax because college is not something to be too excited about but its not something to freak out about. College is important and amazing, but it is only a few years of your life and these few years will not kill you. I don't drink or do drugs and I was worried I would be ridiculed, but I would tell myself back then not to worry because being an individual in college is perfectly fine. I'm comfortable making my own choices and being independent. I would tell myself that everything will be okay, because in the end it all will be.