I would tell myself not to limit myself to a few colleges and not to make the decision quickly. Colleges are like jeans: Some of them look great when you see them, but when you try it out, it really is not your "fit." Make sure to visit more than a few times, meet with students, faculty, and advisors, and even stay overnight in the dorms to get the true feel of what the college is like. A college search should be thorough, not just scrolling through their "fast facts" pages on their websites. Then you will be sure to find the right college for you!
I would tell myself to save as much money as I possibly can because going to college full time and working two part-time jobs can get frustrating quickly. Especially when they are in two different cities. I work in Grand Rapids during the week and I drive home every other weekend and work in Jackson. My social life is nonexistent and my studying and homework take up all my extra time. I know in High School I thought it was a waste of my time sitting home on weekends doing scholarships. But I did do them and they paid for my first year. I only wish I would have done more my Freshman year because now I'm working to pick up the difference. I would also tell myself to visit multiple schools and not pick the first one you visit. Colleges hype up visiting days and give the prespective students an unrealistic view of what campus life really is. Research the school and find out if the courses are available for your intended major. Otherwise you will be changing majors as I did from Pre-med to Education. The closest Cornerstone got to Pre-med was Biology.
Brenna, just breathe. Relax and don't get yourself so worked up. I know you're stressed and don't feel ready to grow up and get on with life, but believe it or not, you are going to absolutely love it. In the first two weeks of school, you're going to spend everyday there, even the days you don't have to go in, just so you can spend time with everyone there. The transition is going to be easier than you're building it up to be and before you know it, you're going to be in such a schedule, you can't imagine going back to your high school days. If the next 3 1/2 years are anyting like this year has been, you're in for some of the best years of your life. Just don't stress, don't work yourself up, and feeling like your life is over is nothing to worry about because in reality, the next chapter of your life is just beginning. It may seem terrifying, but buckle up, because you're in for an adventure, and one you're going to cherish forever.
Dear Reader,
College students spend four years of classes with professors we may or may not like, classmates we may or may not come to know, and material that will sometimes overwhelm us. Study what you love. College life is doable: you find your strengths, ablities, and limits. It's okay to work within limits you already know. It is good to celebrate your strengths.
We can seek help; we can continue to learn to help others. There's a chance we'll meet best friends, but don't stress about meeting them the first day; some will find them, some won't. College stretches, but also fills. Don't just become what you will be, also spend your years being what you already are.
This is a chance to start over, but you carry all of yourself with you when you step onto a college campus. It is our chance to look backwards, but remember you can't write a second draft of the past. We can revise our life-styles now: don't waste it. Live today fully while preparing for tomorrow. Work hard. Relax. Miss home. Find home. Love with all you are. You'll be okay.
Amy Marie
Enjoy this moment in your life, just as it is. Make it count and do something with the time that you have, because all too late you will realize that nothing will ever be the same again. You will never have the opportunities that you have again, so take them. You will never have the expiriences that you have again, so enjoy them. Your relationships will never be the same again, so savour them. Take each second that you have, and live it. Most of all, do to one as you wish you could do to or for all. Be the friend you wish everyone could have. Help the people who are around you, and even step outside of your comfort zone to meet someone in theirs. Live the life that you've been given, because it's only yours to live and it'll be gone before you know it.
Don't hold back. Put yourself out there and have fun!
I will tell myself to take the SAT early. I would tell myself in order to get ahead in Psychology I should take General Psychology earlier so I can study Adnormal Psychology my Freshman year.
I would say go out and be risky. The only way to get out of your comfort zone is to take risks. Meeting new people and being in a new enviornment is not an easy thing but if you step out and see what is out there, you will find so many things that you never knew exsisited. You meet new friends that you know will always be there for you. That is what I would tell myself.
Looking back now to high school me, I would tell her that planning and determination is everything. I've always had the passion for what I want to do, but so far that hasn't gotten me in the best position academically without the motivation or dedication to back it up. All thats gotten me is dissappointment from my advisors. Although, my advisors still seem to believe in me, so that has influenced me to believe in myself more than I have. Knowing what I know now, I would tell high school Ashley to focus on the future and dont let depression or your family get to you. I am who I am through those mistakes though, and I am who I am from my hardships with my family. I believe that is why I will be a great marriage and family counselor, I can do this! I havent been awarded any scholarships yet this semester, and I would strongly appreciate it if I got just one! Thank you for looking this over and considering me.
It's true what they say: college will be some of the best years of your life. What high school conselors are failing to tell you right now is that those years and how they go for you are dependent entirely on YOU. Don't doubt yourself. Don't get so wrapped up in the financial package and moving away from home and all the things that could go wrong. Enjoy the journey of going somewhere new, and be confident that this is the place you are meant to be. You'll make a lot of mistakes your Freshman year (and throughout life!) but those mistakes will only define you if you let them. I don't want to pack too many cliches into this, but you really only need to be yourself. You are a bright and unique individual, and college is the perfect place to grow and become who you want to be. Don't stress, ok? Life is beautiful, and these are going to be some great years, kiddo. Good luck.