Cornerstone University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Cornerstone University know before they start?


I would advise myself to take more AP classes, so that I would not have to apy for the classes at the college level. It is a lot of work, but it is worth it when one is signing up for classes in college. In your freshman year at college, you are going to want to hang out more with friends than study and do homework. I advise you to find a balance between homework and friends. You need to know when is the right time to hang out with friends and when is the right time to do homework. You need to apply for a lot of scholarships. It does not matter if you think you are not going to get any scholarship money. Apply anyway. It does not hurt to try. Also, it does not matter how small or big the scholarship money is; it is free money. Finally, if you have the ability, stay at home during your college experience. It is a lot of fun living on campus, but it costs a whole lot more to do so. I advise you to live at home for your four years.


Dear Nicole, First, I would like to tell you that God has a special plan for you; do not worry, but instead trust in the Lord. Second, I would recommend that you follow your heart or your gut instinct because you are ultimatly in control of your happiness. Lastly, I would say to live with out regrest, to love unconditionally, and to remember that everyone makes mistakes. Livin' life to the fullest, -Me


I would tell myself not to worry too much about the college curriculum. It is harder, and puts more stress on you, but it's nothing I can't handle. I would also tell myself that the successes I achieve in college are what's going to help me be more confident in myself. I would assure myself that there's nothing wrong with needing to ask questions, because the teachers want you to understand the material, and they aren't here to make you fail. They're here to help you succeed, and that's all they want to see.


If I could go back to when I was a senior in high school, and know what I know about life at Cornerstone, I would tell myself three things. The first one I would bring up would be that I did make the right choice in picking my college, and that I love it very much. The second thing I would tell myself is to work hard and focus on what you and to get as much as you can from what the staff and other student have to teach you. You have amazing friends and teachers. The third thing that I would have to remind myself would be that I have to trust God completely and put my faith in him, so that if he wants me there, than he will give me the way so that?s what will happen. College is what I needed I life and now I?m a different and a much better person.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself to not want to grow up fast, love high school and not be so ready to be done with your senior year. Be ready for the school you picked and make sure you know all of the restrictions and all of the rules, be ready for this. Be ready not to agree with everything that goes on and be ready to lose friends and make some new ones. Be ready for the huge transition of not living at home and not having everything right there for you, know that you will miss your family and friends, its hard to be away from them. Make sure you are ready for the amount of shool work that is coming your way and be ready to study more than you do now. Be ready to meet people you don't really get along with but know that God wants you to love everyone, and most importantly live your life to the fullest, and remember that college definatly comes with its ups and downs, but have fun with it. Live your amazing life.


Nothing. Well atleast if I'd want to save my breath, I'd save my time for something more worthwhile. If I felt like babbling on about how ACT scores will make or break you, how you should start saving your pennies since you learned to count, and that on the contrary to what most highschoolers wish to believe; being a hardriven student really does pay off throughout college. You see, all of this is extremely valuable information and if taken seriously could lighten the college struggles. But as a senior in highschool I was hardheaded in the sense that I thought I already knew everything there was to know, and my favorite answer when it came to my future was, "Oh, I'll figure something out." I was convinced that I was on top of the world. But low and behold, life came around and I realized I wasn't. With a new profound sense of maturity that one can only accommodate through complete independence, I saw how utterly unprepared and stubborn I was. I received plenty of advice from parents, teachers, and counselors; but getting past myself and taking what they said to heart was the real challenge.


If I were to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to get excited about the friends, academics, and spiritual growth that I was about to encounter. I'd also tell myself to take advantage of AP classes and CLEP tests as these tests are much cheaper than classes. I'd also encourage myself to look into online courses.


If I could go back to when I was a high school senior and tell myself what I know about college life and making the transition, I would only have three pieces of advice. The first would be to start looking for college scholarships, because college is very expansive. The second one would be that it is not worth it to worry about how you are going to do in class and if you make any friends. Just try your best and it will work out, every better then you think it will. The third is that you need to take it slow and try your very hardest on everything you do. College is a very important part of our live. College changes people and you are going to change as well. You will grow in your faith, Social, and in your academic studies. You picked the right school for you!


File for as many scholarships as you can while keeping up with homework. Any money is good toward college. And SAVE UP!! Money you save is money you can put up to fill in the blanks. Money is also no reason to not stay on campus, the drive sucks so go for the on campus option, much better. (It will also save you from some of the painful situations that you go through on the path you're currently taking.) Also, pay attention in Calculus so you don't have to take it again.


College is going to be a lot more fun than high school. Don't stress about failing. You will do fine. Things will be harder in college, but you will do fine. Don't slack off in high school. Do everything to the best of your ability. Ask more questions, and get better grades. It will help you in the end. Develope more good study skills. Don't take anything for granted. Make sure you enjoy high school because great is around the corner. High School isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Just be yourself when in High School. College is where you will get freedom. God wants you to move forward with Him, and try to do His will before you get into college. God is doing great and mighty things. God is good. He wants you to do your best.