Cornerstone University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Cornerstone University know before they start?


Dear Darien, You need to stop depending on Facebook for everything. I know that school is pretty overwhelming (AP Biology and Calculus will do that to you---trust me, I've been through it), and you're a teenage girl, so you need some social aspect of your life, but don't depend on Facebook. When you go to college, knowing who your true friends are is crucial, and it's a tough search. Take advantage of social events like CU @ the Beach (You have the postcard on your bulletin board. Get Mom to take you!) so you can meet them face-to-face rather than guess if they're being true to you through the computer screen. Speaking from experience, some people will deceive you. Sure, socialize with your future roommates. You'll know who they are because you're going to live with them for six months, but when it comes to everyone else, wait until Terra Firma week. I know you have no idea what that means, but trust me. It's going to be a blast, and you're going to love it! Once you know them, though, it's a HUGE blessing! :) Sincerely, You.


Be yourself, and be involved. Don't try to fit yourself into the molds that other people might have for you. Make your own mold and complete the goals that you have for yourself. Work hard now and it will pay off. Most importantly be an example to the people that are looking up to you and live your life in a way that you would want them to. Take your time and effort seriously and in everything that you do you should do it to the best of your ability, otherwise you will never know what you are capable of. Be strong and stand up for what is right, and for what you belive and don't be afraid to let your light shine no matter where you are in life. Remember, it doesn't matter where you have come from or what circumstances that you have in your home life, it only matters what you do with the tools that you are given and what you make of yourself. The last thing I would say to myself is to make mom proud.


I would tell myself to really enjoy the process of school. It is a privilege and a wonderful opportunity that only a handful of people in the world ever get to experience. I would tell myself to not worry about any interruptions that come my way. These "interruptions" will happen in every area of life, but instead of letting them get you down, you can let become a part of your future. Those detours can be the very thing that you needed to get yourself to re-evaluate your goals, and they also serve as a way to make you a stronger person. Anyone that has had it too "easy" in life is a prime example of the importance of life trials. I would tell myself to work hard, relax, and enjoy every minute of college - even those crazy detours.


I would say to myself to not worry, You will make friends by not judging others before they should be judge. You will have great professors that actually care about how you do in the class and of course you personally will have a great team to take good care of you. Some advice would be to not pack so much becuase I will be going home and to buy books online not at the school! Older girls helped me a lot before I even came here so I think I would just say to stay connected.


Don't be intimidated by going away from home and attending college-level classes. Yes, it is challenging, but it is so very much worth it. Step out and meet new people, it will be the best decision you will make especially as you meet other students who become your friends who will encourage you in your studies and college experience. Be diligent in your studies and try not to procrastinate, even when the events on and off campus tempt you to put your projects off. The main reason you're attending college is to learn something, all the rest is just an added bonus. Above all else, enjoy yourself! The college years will mold you and shape you in ways you cannot even begin to imagine, so make the most of your experience.


Don't be afraid to be alone. It may seem scary at first, but constantly having to be with another person will do you more damage than good. Take time to get to know yourself and what you want out of life. Do not waste all your time worrying about what other people think but pave your own way, find your own happiness, and let yourself heal.


I've experienced two types of differents colleges. I am not a genius when it comes to school, but I work hard to get the good grades that I get. I have learned that college is a lot more important and this is where it counts. The college experience has taught me how to live on my own and have confidence in myself. There have been so many late nights and stressful weeks, but I have learned that it is all going to be worth it in the end if I just keep pushing forward with a positive attitude. Jobs are slim and schools want the best of the best teachers. My college experience has been valuable to me becuase it has taught me to be disciplined and diligent with my time. This incredible and growing experience has helped me to become the person I am today; ready to face the world with a confidence that I am going to succeed in anything I do. I understand that I may fail once, twice, even a thousand times, but I get right back up and try harder the next time.


My college experience has been valuable in helping me to decide what I want to do with my life. When I first entered college, I seriously thought that I wanted to be a journalist and work in the newspaper industry. After two years of working with the campus newspaper (including one year as managing editor), I have discovered that it is not a good fit for me or my personality. Instead, I have found another area that has really drawn my interest: Anglo-Saxon and early English literature. The examples that my Humanities professors have set has helped me to decide that I would like to follow in their footsteps. I am currently in the beginning stages of exploring my options in graduate schools, and I want to get an M.A. and Ph.D. in English and teach at the collegiate level. I want to be able to make the same kinds of impacts on college students in the future that my professors have made on me.


I have discovered myself at college. I have come to understand why I react to certian things the way I do. College has taught me how to budget my time between leisure time and work. I have also come to value family and friends. This has been a valuable time thus far because of the friends I have made the the information I have learned. I now look at the world in a different light because of the ideas I have been taught. College has also taught me to question what I am being taught and that it is okay to question what you believe because you will find the truth through questioning what you have been taught.


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would go back and tell myself to live everyday to the fullest. "Carpe Diem" would become my motto - seize the day! God has given me many opportunities in my life to take risks and to open myself up to the world and scream out this is who I am and I love God. I wish that I would have known that everything would work out in choosing a college and loving it because God does have a plan and He tells us to run towards the finish line. Run means to run and not look back or stop. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself, take a deep breath and get ready to run to the Lord Almighty for He is my one and only.