D’Youville College Top Questions

What should every freshman at D’Youville College know before they start?


The list of advice I could give my past self concerning my college transition is endless. There is nothing like the college experience. The only way I can describe it is that it's extremely different, but a good different. I guess the best advice I would give my high school self would be to stand up for what I believe. I like to think that I'm a genuinely nice person; it's rare I don't get along with someone. However, I will say that I have the tendency to allow others to take advantage of me. Maybe not so much now, but definitely when I entered college last fall. Learning to stand up for myself was probably the hardest thing I've learned this year (even harder than Anatomy & Physiology!) and although I fought it for a long time, I eventually did it, and boy did it feel good. That was the moment I realized that I could stand up for myself and still be a good person, only stronger. So past self, you will grow as an individual to fight for your happiness. It happens, so don't resist it, because it's a beautiful thing.


The first thing I will ask myself is if I am ready for college and by that, I would set up a short and long term goals for myself. But the number one most important advice for me is to always talk to my advisor about my program and classes before and at the end of each semester because every school are different and some requires the students to take an entrance exam first. Moreover, I would advise myself to stay update with the changes going on in my school especially when it comes to my education and making sure I am taking the right amount of classes in regards to financial aids. And I would have talk myself into taking the freshmen seminar class during the summer after my senior year in high school because I believe do it would have better prepare me for college than I would have expected. Although I cannot go back to better advice myself which would have been great but something I learn along the way is that college is not a place you can just rush into but rather an education you have to better prepare yourself for when you are ready.


The advice I would give is to be ready to attend college know what you want to do, because it makes picking your major much more easier. Make sure you definately visit the campus make sure you know that this college is the best fit for you and make sure you attend the open house you receive so much useful information.


I would tell myself to learn study skills, as I never needed to study in high school but in college I have found it difficult to actually study. I would tell myself that it isn't as intimidating as you think, and you don't necessarily have to finish in 4 years. Take your time and do well.


High School Counselors convinced me that it is okay to go into college with an undecided major because we have time, but because of that advice, I am graduating in 2016 instead of 2014. Therefore make sure of what major you want to pursue, it is never too early to decide. When I applied to colleges, I applied to the common Sunys like Stony Brook , University at Buffalo & Binghamton. It is okay to look beyond the common schools and look into the smaller and private colleges because they may have just as great programs as the Sunys.


If I had the option of going back to high school, the advice I would give myself would've have been to pick a school that is more social science oritnated. I would've also picked a school a little bit bigger and reserach foucas. I would've picked a school that was out the area if I had knowing what I know back them. I would've applied to more scholarships also.


The advice I would give myself is make sure to save all your money and not spend it on silly things. Dont pick a major because of how much money is involves, pick something that you will truly love to do. Look into all the options you have with college, and not just settle because you think thats all your good enough for. Take the ACT one more time and go in with the mind set you can do better.


If I could give myself advice in high school I would tell my high school self to not take time off from school. A short time off of school can turn into an unexpected long time off. Another piece of advice would be to scrutinize all the forms and course plans. This will make sure that the correct courses are taken and allow you to graduate on time. A third piece of advice would be to interact with students and faculty. Forming study groups will help learn the material and help in career networking. Also if you engage most professors at the beginning of semester they will do extra work to help you learn the material.


If I could go back in time and give advice to myself in high school, I would say to go to college right away and do not wait. Life can get in the way of school and even taking a small time off can lead to a longer time than expected. Another piece of advice I would give is to not be shy. There are a lot of students experiencing the same emotions and struggles that you are. I am a nursing student and a nurse has to work as a team with other nurses and medical staff. Learning to communicate with other students and working with them helps prepare students for the real world working environment. A third piece of advice would be to engage and interact with your professors. Professors can be strict with grading but I have found most are willing to give extra help in ensuring that you learn the material.


do this now and not wait 25 years