If I could go back in time and speak to my highschool self I would first tell myself that everything will be okay! Things have a way of working themselves out. I would tell myself to focus on my work because it does matter and you actually need to read the material given in order to succeed. You can have a social life while doing well in school, you don't have to compensate one for the other but be sure you keep your priorities in check because in the end, what you do now will effect you later in life. It is important to branch out and meet new people, especially people from different backgrounds in order to expand your horizens and become cutltured. You'd be amazed at how different yet similar many of the people in the world are. Don't be afriad to try new things and meet new people. Make connections and alwasy be respectful to your professors, they can really help you in future endevors.
If I could go back in time there is a lot I would like to tell myself. First that grades and acedemics in high school are more important then I believe, so straighted up my act and get focused. The next thing I would tell myself is to pick the correct major to begin with. Take the most obvious choice . When I first went into college I failed out because I chose the wrong major and I struggled to get my GPA back to an acceptable grade. I would also tell myself to stayed focused and do the work. Also I would want to tell myself that I am capable of more then I would have thought back then.
I would tell myself to take college more seriously the first two years. Also i would have advised myself to apply for more scholarships ahead of time and throughout college. I would tell myself to really get involved in the clubs offered at the school they are super fun and really help you make friends. I would tell myself to be careful; at soccer so that I did not recieve the injury that i did making it extremely difficult to play my last year. I would advise myself to eat better and work on my organization to prevent getting worn out and tired quickly while at school. And finally i would tell myself to really push myself and fill every semester with as many opportunities as i could as far as classes because there are a number of classes that i wish I had taken that are no longer offered. i avoided them to lighten my work load but i could have taken them on in hindsight.
Difficulties arise almost everywhere in a person's life and college is no different. The thing about college though is that you have the power to change your difficulties into oppourtunities that work to your advantage. There are many situations you may not be prepared for in college but you also learn in these situations to think and act on your feet while trusting your best judgement. When you are considering the transition to college, don't let worry control your life, instead stay focused on the practical things that matter most to you. Making sure that your academic, financial and social needs will be satisfied are all important items to keep in mind. When you eventually arrive at college, it will be helpful to begin fostering immediately all sorts of connections with your new home and the people associated with it. This is the place where you will continue to be shaped into the person you are meant to be and you want to get to know it well! Know that in the end things will work out, this moment is the only one you have to work with and what you do with it is what really matters.
High School is full are numerous pressures for the approaching college semester such as SAT's, friends, college applications, career choice, entrance exams, and financial assistance; it may seem confusing, overwhelming, and scary. To best ease the experience and transition of becoming a freshman in college the best advice would be to trust the people with your best interests in mind, and have trust in yourself. Your family, guidance counselors, and people that love you will guide you down the right path to making the best choices. Stress is not needed if you prepare yourself for what's to come, and what to expect. Be optimistic of the future, and don't sweat the small stuff. Friends in high school are important, but don't allow them to hold you back; a true friend would want the best for you. You have your whole life to worry about relationships and dating this isn't important at this time in your life, this is the time for you to focus on yourself. Avoid the wrong people that are consumed with partying and drinking they don't have the proper priorities. Work hard and stay focused and you will be successful.
Stay focused work hard, have fun at the same time but know your limit. Strive to be the best you can, dont get discourged.
I would tell myself to focus on scholarship applications and finding ways to afford college, because that has been a struggle since I began. I would also tell myself to spend as much time with my friends and family because when you leave, you will miss them more than anything. I would also tell myself not to worry so much about what others tell you to do, and do what makes you happy. I would encourage myself to have been more outgoing and recomend that coming into college with an open mind and positive attitude are the key to making new friends, as soon as you open up you will be happy!
Pick a major and stick with it, study hard and eat well.
The advice I would give to myself would be that the classes are not as easy as they were in high school and that the tests need to be studied for and prepared for more then a night in advance. The professors help the best they can but it becomes more independantly focused and that the acheivments are being strived for becomes weighted on the decisions that are being made and trying to make the right decision rather than the easy one.
Elizabeth, I am now 31 years old, and looking back on it, I have some advice I would like you to consider. I understand the pressures of graduating highschool and going on to college, but don't do it for mom, dad, or anyone else. You need to do it for yourself. It is okay if it takes you longer than your friends to find your path. Trust in yourself, that in the future you will pick a career that makes you proud of who you are. Enjoy being young, it only happens once. Try not to stress about money. Do yourself a favor and do not go to school if you are not ready, because you have racked up an enormous amount of student loan debt, but with that debt, you have become more well rounded and an educated woman, which can only help you on your future path to becoming a nurse. You are a great woman! Beleive in yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. You will figure it out, trust me!! I am proud of the woman you are today, and the woman you will become!