D’Youville College Top Questions

What should every freshman at D’Youville College know before they start?


I am an adult returning to school to facilitate a career change and become an RN. I believe that returning to college was a great decision. One of many things that I have gotten out of my college experience so far is that I know if I study hard and keep focused that I can achieve my goals in a timely manner. I has been and still is valuable to attend D'Youville because this school will give me the knowledge and experience to become a great Nurse. There is a shortage of nurses in this country and the need for well educated and trained nurses is of great necessity. The patients need caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable nurses to help them cope with, manage, and heal the illnesses and ailments that affect them.


By attending college I have become more in tune to the world around me. I have been taught to challenge everything and to think critically. I have become more aware of the importance to serve, not only those in my own community, but those around the world. I have made friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Through participation in athletics and campus clubs, I have become a more well-rounded individual. I am much more aware of cultural differences than ever before. I have thought about cultural, ethical, and world issues, many of which I had never before considered prior to attending college. Out of my college experience has not only come widsom and knowledge, but what I feel is an increased capability to relate to, serve, and develop relationships with more types of people. I feel for all of these reasons college has been a valuable experience. It is the goal of most people to someday obtain a skill that can be used in finding a career. I feel college has not only helped me to develop a skill, but that it has also increased my awareness for the world in which I will be working.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is that it is hard to choose the right one. I have finely foud the right one for me. I attend Ashford Unversity. I like this college because it offers both on campus and online classes. I like the fact that I can take my classes online because I am a mother of a very active toddler and work 40 hours a week. So the only time I can study is when I am not working but even that is hard with my little one. So I study online at night when my little one is sound a sleep. Ashford is always taking time to talk to there incomming students and make them feel comfort about attending there school.


I have been attending college for the last five years. It has been difficult because I am married and have two young daughters. I will have my AA next semester and will be transferring to a university in fall. Going to college has been very hard and has taught me that nothing good comes easy. I have been diligent in my studies and the experience has revealed to me how a dedicated person I am. I have questioned my goals in college many times, but I believe that it is still in my wife's and my two daughters best interest to stay in college. Since my work has paid off and I will be at a university next semester, I am more determined than ever to stay focused on finishing college. Going to college has not only been valuable to me but also to my family, since I am the first in my family to go to college.


D'Youville has offered me a variety of positive experiences, personally as well as academically and professionally. The diversity of students is allowing me to learn about and accept other cultures and religions and to be an open-minded individual. The academic experience offers small class sizes and ideal professor interaction that is conducive to a successful learning environment. D'Youville is very challenging academically but if you are motivated and determined to seek the necessary assistance from the staff, the sky is the limit. It has taught me that through hard work, anything is possible. The school also has many affiliations within the community that allows students to make professional connections and even to set up job opportunities for after graduation. The benefit of attending the smaller college as opposed to a larger university has enabled me to attain one-on-one help from professors and in the process, develop real relationships with the staff on a personal level. Some colleges offer a mentor program; due to the small size and personal nature of this school, any and all of your professors are mentors. They are willing to offer personal as well as professional advice to ensure success.


As of yet I have not attended college, but I am enrolled to start Spring quarter at ITT Technical Institute. Therefore I cannot answer the question, but I can tell you what I hope to get out of my college experience. I am hoping, because the construction industry hasn't treated me too well so far, that I can get a better career for me and for my family. I spent some time researching careers and schools and found a career option that i believe suits me and suits my financial goals for the future. I then found the school that can give me the degree i need. I have visited the school and found that the staff and students are both friendly and helpful, and I believe i will very much enjoy my experience at ITT Technichal Institute.


I have recieved so many wonderful experiences in just one semester of attending D'Youville college. Since recieving confirmation of my acceptance into the PA program at D'Youville, it has given me the opportunity to achieve my dreams as a PA. My college experience attending D'Youville has been truely exceptional. D'Youville is committed and designed to helping you succeed. I have exceeded my expectations and have grown intellectually as a student. D'Youville has been so valuable to attend for many reasons. Most colleges and universities class sizes are not as small and aren't able to take the time to get to know their students. At D'Youville small class sizes allows for individualized attention and rapport with proffessors. You feel welcomed and feel like part of a family. Many of the proffessors hold doctorial credentials and are extremely educated giving students the highest quality in education. D'Youville is a friendly atmosphere and are ready to help you reach your goals and dreams. I can't wait to see what my futureholds!


The college experience is something truly unique; it's like no other adventure I have embarked on. Looking at attending college as an experience has allowed me to soak up more the unique atmosphere found at my college. Walking to the other buildings, working in the study rooms being tutored and tutoring, sitting at lunch with friends, and working with everyone in the school's cafeteria is similar to high school but it's a completely different level. At college, I have extended my wings and I feel I have found my own niche that I couldn't find in high school. I have so many supporting friends who impart wisdom from their experiences to me, making me feel that I have awakened to a new world. I have learned new skills from being around my new friends as well as from working in the cafeteria where I not only talk to the students but also develop bonds with my coworkers. Bonds build the world as they develop and one grows when the world is opened to them; that's exactly what has happened to me - my world has expanded and I am a much better person for it.


Last semester was my first time in school in over eight years and the first time ever, that I set goals. I created a plan, worked diligently, and for the first time I made a 4.0 GPA. I appreciate each class and use it as an opportunity for personal growth. I have gained confidence and a feeling of empowerment. In my Success in College class I learned time management skills and how to use available resourses. I discovered that I do not really hate math, in fact I enjoy it. I learned in Psychology that my future in-laws really are. crazy. My parents and family are so supportive and proud of me. I have a closer bond and more in common with my sister who is studying to become a nurse. I am setting a good example for my two year old son and improving our quality of life. Through education I can make a difference in my life, those around me, and my community.


I have learned a lot about myself, and my abilities this last year from college. I've learned my strengths, and weaknesses, I've learned that with hard work I can make my goals in life. This last years experiences have taught me that I'm worth the hard work, and I can actually have the life I want. The experiences have been extremely valuable, I've learned a lot more than just what was taught to me in class, I've learned many valuable life lessons as well. These life lessons will help me once I get out of college and start in my field of work.