D’Youville College Top Questions

What should every freshman at D’Youville College know before they start?


At this point I have only been attending college for two years but I can already tell it has been a beneficial experience. I have not only learned new academic information but also the need to prioritize my life and take responsibility. Being in college you are suddenly given much more freedom than previously had, it definatly forces you to grow up and take control of your own actions. College has taught me how to make the transition from a high school teenager to an adult working toward future goals. The amount of work required to be completely successful in college is far more that what was expected in high school, the pressure and stress of it all definatly has been difficult to deal with. However without these challenges I may not have truly understood the amount of effort and perserverance it takes to achieve your goals. It is easy to give up and say that things are too difficult but it takes a lot more to do the responsibile act and put in more effort, without my college experience thusfar I would not have learned this valuable life lesson.


I have alwas been a home body. I'm not exactly shy and i have many friends, but I like to have a routine. I like doing things that are familiar to me and am not big on change. Going to college allowed me to open up to new opportunites and make new friends with people that I may have not considered being friends with in the past. Being in college has helped me to realize what life skills i need to possess to become successful in life. Now that I am in college I set goals for myself and never give up on working towards them. I am more determined than i have ever been in my life because I know that if I work hard in college it will benefit me when I graduate and move on to living in "the real world."


My college was able to teach me the responsibilty involved to do well in all of my classes. They have also shown many secondary careers that you can get out of your specific major. When ever you have a problem, the college is more than happy to help you. The college experience is another life from home. It is a totaly different atmosphere in a very a good way. It has been so valuable to attend because it has changed my life and i will never forget my memories at D'Youville College


Going to D'Youville has been and excellent experience for me. I love that the professors are so passionate about their work. They have helped me to be able to understand why it is necessary to learn both in the classroom and out. I can relate many of the things that I am learning to real life situations and that makes it easy for me to visualize myself in the nursing field. Attending college is just the beginning of the road toward my future. It makes me proud because I know that I will be able to better my life for my son. I think the major factor for me is being a good example for my son. I hope that he'll see that if his mother was able to do it, than so can he.


College allowed me to see myself as an adult more. I am given the freedom to pick my schedule not only for classes, but sleeping and socializing in the dorms. I manage school and work back home, while driving myself back and forth having to pay for my car and gas. Now I have to look out for my own safety and make choices when my parents are not there. D'Youville has different people than the all-girl high school I attended, so I have learned to have different kinds of friends, from all over the country and different backgrounds. Learning how different families work has opened up my eyes to thinking about what type of parent I want to be in the future. College is not just about the classes and school work. Those come naturally to me and while the knowledge interests me, I'm not going to look back at my college years and think of body tissues and Freud. College is valuable because it is another step between childhood and adulthood when teenagers have to realize it's time to be mature. Post-college isn't far away.


College is not for everyone. Some people are satisfied and content with their life and the path it's headed, and there is definitely nothing wrong with that. But in my mind college education is extremely important because it gives you a base to build your life around, teaches you about the world we live in and how we can utilize its resources most effectively. College education also gives me a good mean of leaving; it makes me capable of being a productive memeber of the work force. And if you can combine your education with your experience it can be extremely profitable. Another reason why I attend college is because I can get practical and valuable experiences while studying at college. Everyone at college is grown-up here, and you'll also have to learn to act like a grown-up yourself, learn to adapt and take responsility for everything you do. College is teaching me to live an independent life. So, besides the knowledge, it's also important to prepare and learn what it's like living in the real world. A college education, unlike most other purchases, will appreciate in value, not depreciate.


Through my college experience I have gained my independence and I have learned how to take care of my responsibilities in a timely and efficient manner. College has made me more accountable for the things that I do (or don't do) and has helped me achieve a sense of balance in my life. It has been valuable to attend because it gave me the opportunity to further my education and has aptly satisfied my academic fervor. I now feel more prepared to enter the career world and believe I am capable and resourceful enough to find a career in the profession I am seeking.


Attending college has taught me alot. As a Sophomore in college, I feel like I already know what I want to do in my future. The teachers have helped me figure out exactly what I need to do in order to achieve my goals. When I first started college, I knew what I wanted to study but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my degree. I took a class called Psychology as a Profession and it helped me set my future straight. Along with figuring out my goals, I have also gained alot of independence from living away form home. I am completely supporting myself and living on my own. I have made many friends at school and have a few close professors that have helped me greatly with any problems that have faced and whom I really trust. I am truly happy that I chose to attend D'Youville College. It was my first choice and I would do it over again in a heart beat. It's a great school and wil do anything to help students fufill their dreams.


There are many goals one wishes to achieve in a life time. Being able to go to college to further my education in order to get a career was one of mine. Even though I am only a Freshmen in college, I have already gained so much wisdom and learned so many lessons that I will always be able to carry with me throughout my life. I value every minute that I am able to go there and learn more about the world I live in, and the carreer I wish to one day have. College experiences are such that they are never forgotten. So far in college I have learned many lessons. I have learned to never take for granted all I have in my life, even though I myself have been through many obstacles before finally reaching my destination at the college I currently attend. I have learned to make new friends while keeping the old. However, I have also learned to balance that social life with the education aspect of the life I went to college for. I am taking advantage of every minute at college and the time I make to give back to the community.


I gained a lot of personal growth through my college experience so far. I learned a lot about myself, and the chosen field I want to go into. Working with kids that are picking the same major, leads me to enjoy it so much more than I thought I would. As a male, going into nursing was initally very scary but so far I haven't been scared at all. I've gained a lot of friends and support, and have no doubts about it. I think the college experience I had so far shows that I can become the person I want to be, and not to be afraid of it. I need to go all out for what I want and not be scared. I didn't have a lot of friends in high school, and going through this first semester, I've gained so many friends. I feel like a new, more happy, person and cannot wait for this spring semester to start in only two weeks! It seriously has been the time of my life, and more than I hoped it would have been.