College is valuable to me because I've learned many things that i needed to know before i get into the real world as a lawyer and am happy that all the profesors are helping me to be a better lawyer in the near future.
I have gotten the opportunity to play college division three volleyball and i feel that that is a great accomplishment in my life. I have had so many goo learning experiences and have studied as hard as i possible can to achieve high grades. I have also met some of my best friends in college and they are becoming my closest friends ever. Comming from a divorced family funds are always tight but have the great learning environment and amazing friends is the best part about goingto college.
My college experience at D'Youville has reignited my academic motivation. Some of my high school years and the year at my previous college took away my desire to attend school but this year I have found it and I enjoy school again, something that doesn't seem important unless you have experienced disdain of it. My classes are interesting and I want to study not just to get a good test grade, but to learn things for my own interest. I feel I am being trained for my career, not just attending college because I'm supposed to. I enjoy getting to be in the city more often and see a lifestyle I didn't see in the suburbs. It allows me to get more involved in things going on downtown. I thought my sports career had ended as soon as I wasn't good enough for the D-1 school I attended, but transferring to a D-3 school has allowed my to continue playing soccer and baseball at a competitive level. Sports helped me make a lot of friends and they have given me a school spirit I couldn't otherwise have found.
I got A friend or two, an experience or two, a job or two, and a path to follow through.
I got stress along the way, lived there day by day, and was hospitalized in the month of may.
I got excessive fees, experienced rough seas, and A's, B's, and C's.
I got a W or two, accepted in a club or two, and was gifted a suit or two.
I got promoted at work, the Language Lab is where I lurk, and faculty parking is a great perk.
I got a key to the lock, have become apart of the flock, and I must say Brevard Community College ROCKS!
I got a laugh or two, a scholarship or two, a privilege or two, and goal or two.
I got a wonderful diploma plaque, a black robe hanging off my rack, and a strong will to come back.
I got a feeling that BCC is a wonderful community that I plan to return to to teach developmental mathematics after I obtain my bachelor's degree and beyond.
In order to truly have a worthwhile testimony, I must allow myself to experience growing pains. By growing pains I mean the uncomfortable but rewarding act of opening my mind to new emotions, new people, new experiences, new views. Even though my college experience was a mostly positive one, I learned so much during my time there. I feel that I have grown so much as a person since going to college. I am not just talking about the course I am studying but the best thing to come out of college for me was that I learned a lot about myself, college was really a journey of self discovery for me. Knowing the fact that I have to support my family back home in Ethiopia and finishing school here without any destruction was one of the valuable and the time management I have learnt from my college expericance. Although college wasn't easy for me financially and I certainly didn't have the busy social life that most students do for me going to college was one of the most positive things I have ever done in my life and I don't regret it one bit.
From my personal experiance, the learning I haved recieved is to stay focus for the end results. I learned from swicthing majors and getting caught up in day to day activity has hurt my future career by making it further away. This time I will put school first . They way to it is to make a scheadule that is studying in libraries before and after each class at least an hour for each class and have a designted time on the weekend just to go study. This way outside interfance can not get to me as easily. I will make time for my wife and child but that will be during certaint times and we have allready had a family to discuss these times with them and came to an agreement for they are my support and my schooling will help my child in the future. As well most friends that I stay involved with are in families trying to get a degree to. This will help keep the end goal in mind caouse they will have the same end goal. This is college has taught me on how to stay focus on the results.
Through this college experience I learned alot. When you have friends that attend other schools and they tell you their experiences at school, I kind of get jealous. Then I realize as the semester went by, I'm glad there isn't so much going on my campus, because it would be a distraction to my studies. My school is small,but it still feels like you don't know anyone. What helps though is that those you are in a major with will be the ones you will be with to the end. That is valuable to me, because we are able to form this bond and help eachother with work in any way we can. I attended a school prior to this one and I had all my fun there, but in the end my grades weren't that good. I began to lose focus as to why I was in school. I'm not saying one shoudn't have a social life, but make sure your school work outweighs the time you put into partying and hanging out with friends. Friends come and go, but your education marks life for you. I've never given up also.
Confidence is only one of many reasons that college has been such a valuable experience in my life. The level of self-esteem that I have acheived through the knowledge that I have successfully completed high school and that I have successfully begun college is astounding. College has shown me what true perseverence really means and I look forward to learning even more important lessons throughout the duration of my college life. I have found that determination and dedication are required even more so than in high school, but that the hard work gives me more satisfaction because I am working towards something that I chose to work towards, rather than something that was required of me.
Wow! It seems like only yesterday my mother had my lunch packed, and bookbag ready to leave for school. I attended a small, public school and could not wait to get to college. Well, here I am, a Freshman student at Meridian Community College in Meridian, Mississippi. I am going to be honest, my first day I was quite nervous; however, as time went on I began to enjoy meeting new faces, as well as learning the new ciricullum. After long days and nights of studying, I proudly ended my first semester with a 4.0 GPA; however, without the determined teachers at MCC, this could not have been possible. Meridian Community College has a wonderful faculty who has made my first semester fulfilling! Although i plan to attend a Universtiy soon to furthur my education, I can proudly say the MCC has given me a valuable college experience.
There is no doubt in my mind that college for me has and will be the key to becoming a mature adult. All my life I grew up in a small farm town and went to a school with a graduation class of 48 people. Very small! Deciding to go to college to become a Physical Therapist has been the best decision of my life. So far, my first year has helped me gain several skills that I wouldn't have gained anywhere else. The biggest challenge for me was being away from home and out on my own. My small town that I grew up in was very close and so was my family. Now that I've been to college and living on my own I've gained confidence. In life it is essential to have confidence. People without it are less likely to go places in life. I now realize that I am the only one who can control my destiny and that the key to this drive is believing in myself. If I don't believe in myself, then who else will?