My college experience has given me so much from public speaking skills to learning how to speed read, but what has been the most benefit to me, is the ability to multitask. I'm currently a student, an employee, and a mother, so, in order to earn my degree while still performing my other roles in life, I had to gain this essential skill, which has benefited me in more ways than I could ever imagine.
I have truly found myself while going through college. At the beggining of my start to college, I was a corput kid who knew nothing about "real life" and I had no idea what I was going to be or do with my life. Through multiple classes and an educational abroad program to Europe, I can now say I honestly know what I am going to do with my life. I found out who I was and who I wasn't through this. College has put me on the right track in life and I have never be so grateful for the opprotunity of education.
Throughout my college experience so far, i have learned responsibility. Being away from home has taught me how to manage my time wisely by juggling sports, homework, studying, and my social life. I have learned to do the responsible thing by having to put studying before hanging out with my friends. My college experience has been valuable because it has taught me how to live in the real world. It was a difficult transition from high school to college at first, but now I’m used to the daily responsibilities that life brings.
The first and foremost thing I have gotten out of the last 8 months of classes is this new knowledge I am learning in this program of business management. There are so many facets to this and so far it's been interesting and wonderful. I have been wanting to come back to school for such a long time, and I just never had been able to do so, but when this program came along I finally, after 13 years, found the opportunity presented to me to further my education thus allowing me the even greater opportunity to a better job, with better pay. I have always been interested in learning, something you should do every single day, but this was my chance at something special, something I could do for myself and something no one can ever take away from me. I would have to say that to me, this is the chance of a lifetime. I always intended to go back, but not once in the last 13 years, did I ever have that chance and now..here it is!
So far my college experience has been unforgettable. Not only have I met so many incredible people but I have already learned an abundance of information. I am in the Physician Assistant program at my college and every day of classes reinforces why I have chosen this major. I know 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} that this is what I want to do with the rest of my life and D'youville College has something to do with that. D'youville is a private school with small classes that have helped immensely because that is the best learning atmosphere for me. My professors are easily accessible and have no problem addressing any of my questions and concerns. I am also able to focus much more than if there were several more students in the classroom. My first semester would have been no where near this successful if this were not the case. I am looking forward to the rest of my college career and then moving on to putting my knowledge to work when I become a Physician Assistant. I can't even imagine how my college experience could get any better but I am excited to find out.
I attended Le Moyne College for two years then decided to transfer to D'Youville College for the remainder of my college education. I really enjoyed Le Moyne I met some wonderful people there that I am sure will be lifelong friends. It was difficult to leave because I had really enjoyed life there but in terms of my education I felt that D'Youville was a better fit for me. I decided to attend DYC because of their renowned Physician Assistant program. At Le Moyne I was studying biology with a pre-health concentration but I didn't feel that I was taking courses that were in touch with what I truly wanted to do. At D'Youville I feel that I am involved in classes that will insure I will become a well rounded Physician Assistant. At first it was hard to adjust to life at a new school but its small and welcoming campus instantly comforted me and allowed me to meet fellow students fairly quickly. I am glad that I choose D'Youville it is a lovely college and I feel that it is the best place for me to achieve my educational goals.
Comming from a different country college has given me the opportunity to take advantage of what this country has to offer. I am learning a trade in which I could eventually give back to the community. I have had the best times of my life meeting new and exciting people. I would have not had the opportunity to meet people from differrent countries and cultures if it wasn't for college. It has opened up doors for me that hopefully will help me achive the American Dream.
The most important thing I have gotten out of D’Youville College is the nursing education I’ve obtained thus far. The college makes the curriculum difficult so all nursing students learn and successfully pass the boards, the NCLEX. The nursing teachers my first year at D’Youville College were all great, they all taught well and I retained most of the knowledge. My clinical rotations also taught me valuable information to perform care at the bedside. It was valuable to attend D’youville College because the faculty knows every single student. The learning is great because every student gets hands on experience, since the school is small.
The college experience has made me grow up. College helped me insure my independence and has taught me how to interact with students and teachers. This was amazing, to know that you can do things yourself and succeed. I have worked hard and feel like I earned every grade I recieved. I also found that not everything is easy, as I struggled though my Latin 101 class, but I tried my best and have found that the class was actually quite helpful . Lastly, college has made me come out of my shell. I feel as if I have turned into a whole different person with life finally making sense, and confidence to fill the big shoes needed for college. It's been so valuable to find this new person I never knew.
My expereince at D'Youville has been invaluable. The moment I stepped on campus I felt like I belonged here. The staff and teachers are always willing to help you. I have gotten real world experience through the program and have made many contacts with indaviduals who are already working in the field.