Make the first move all about what the school can offer you. Financial aid is the key to attending any college.
Make the most out of every moment of it. Have no regrets work hard and keep your gpa up it is very important some may not think it is but it is. Make sure you budget for the years. Makse sure you have enough money for the school you choose.
visit the school as much as you can and try to get the full effect of the camous not just what they want to show you.
dont look at the extra perks for a college (like what you may get for free when you go to a football game) but look at the size of teh classes and maybe go to a class. you never know how much you could hate a school until you see how the teachers react to students.
Make sure you go somewere you know you will be comfortable and try not to look at the cost so much!
The only advice I have to give to parents and prospective college students is to make sure you pick a college in an area that you like and can live in. Make sure students that you try everything at least once and never be afraid to come out of your shell. College is a new, exciting experience and can be a marvelous one as long as you do not live in fear. Always make sure your financial aid is done on time and get everything explained to you so that you do not get into trouble later and then have to struggle to make up money to pay for school. Parents, your child is growing into an adult now, let them try to solve their problems on their own and only step in if it is absolutely necessary. But also don't forget that your child is indeed still your child, and that this whole college experience is a new, exciting and also the scariest time of their lives. And your child will still need your advice, guidance, love, support and yes, sometimes, some cash as well!
The one thing that I would tell parents and students who are looking at colleges is to go visit colleges. As a student, you will be spending a lot of time on campus (commuter or resident). As a parent, you want to make sure that you feel comfortable with your child in this setting. The physical campus can tell you a lot about a school that you just can't get over the internet. Make sure to visit the whole campus - dining hall, gym, dorms, classrooms, you name it. I think that this played a large part in why I chose both of the colleges that I did.
As far as making the most of your college experience, I would just suggest moderation. Make sure to study, but make sure to take breaks. Join groups, go out to lunch, then go back to the computer lab. Make sure that you will never look back at this time and hate what happened during these years - you should love your life every possible moment.
Ask lots of questions even if they seem dumb. Take as many walk throughs as possible and make sure they offer the right programs that the student is interested.