College has been an adventure. I am an older student, married, a full time job and children. This adventure to higher learning has been a balancing act. I love learning new things and going to college has provided me the opportunity to continue to learn and expand my horizons. Over the years there has been highs and lows, crazy nights studing for finals, my son quizzing me for my tests, missing my sons sporting events, and sometimes telling my husband, "Sorry, I have to study", but watching me excell and complete my classes with good grades has shown my children that through hard work and perseverance anything is possible. Education is a high priority in our home and through my actions I have shown myself and my children the value of having a college education. The experience is pricelesss and once earned can never be taken away. It is the key to a better future.
I am a 33 year old, single mother. I have endured many difficult experiences throughout my life. It is detrimental, not only to me but to my 6 year old son, to complete and succeed in college.
Attending college has enabled me to expand my education and learning skills. I have obtained many useful techniques and personal interaction tools to thrive in today's society. College has enlightened me and empowered me with knowledge. College has proven valuable to me because it has shown me the strength and will power to succeed. It has challended me and pushed me to the breaking point while fulfilling my heart and mind with happiness from learning the field I love, medicine. Learning new material has proven to reward me time and time again. Everyday, I look forward to the new knowledge I will obtain in school and how I can use it to assist others.
I intend to finish college with a master's degree in applied science. I will proceed in mastering the board exams for a registered physician assistant. I will then become an asset to our community in serving underpriveleged areas in the healthcare field.
I think that my college experience has taught me about myself. It has helped me to grow and learn, both as a professional and as a person. Through classes, student experiences, and internships, I was forced to face myself and see what I was made of. The experiences that I have gained in college will help me throughout my life - as they have defined who I am, and who I strive to become. College really has been invaluable for me. Growing as a person cannot be quantified - I take that as a true gift. The knowledge and experience that I have gained in my field has also been life changing. I could not become the professional that I hope to be without such instruction. This has made it valuable beyond measure.
When I first started my first semester at Texas State Technical College, I learned that in order to advance through college, you have to work through it. You can slack off any longer, especially how I did in high school. In order to advance my way through college, I had to make sure I did my homework. I learned from myself that I have to make sure that the answers on my homework are always correct. I learned that I have to make sure every paper gets turned it. I could not take a zero in college. I could just not. I learned that I have to manage my time more meaning school first, and play later. I also set myself that if I don't properly finish that homework, no fun until the work is done. It was a great experience for me. I had my ups and downs and of course, I am human. I made sure I did everything well on those assignments and made sure I studied for that test. It all paid off when I got a letter stating that I had made the Dean's List. It will always pay off in the end.
I have met a lot of people form different cultures and with different backgrounds. I have also came across a lot of instructors that have given me a lot of knowledge and understanding. I thought it would be really hard to come back to school at my age, but I was wrong. D'Youville has shown me that if you apply yourself and keep current with the work : that it is possible to obtain a degree. The classeroom instructors allow you to eat during class as long as it does not interfere with the other students learning. It helps a lot when you come from work to school without having dinner and you can sit through class and still get your lesson. The books necessary for the class are readily available way ahead of the start of class. The process of ordering the books you need are very easy. I would highly reccommend the program and the school to others that need to get their degree through an advanced class . The experience that I am having at D'Youville college wil be with me for a lifetime.
College has taught me a lot about myself: who I am, what I want to be, what I want to do with my life, what is important to me, the tasks I need to accomplish in order to succeed and what type of people I want to surround myself with. It has given me the opportunity to travel abroad, volunteer and help my community, participate in events and meet people I will remember for the rest of my life. There were nights I spent in the library studying for stressful exams, and there were also nights I spent with friends laughing so hard my stomach hurt. Life lessons about friends, work and school were scattered throughout my time in college, making me a more well rounded and understanding person. Yes, my college experience has given me the academics I need to succeed, but it has given me much more than that. I anticipated obtaining a degree, what I did not anticipate was the growth aspect of who I have become. College has shaped who I am, and that is what made it so valuable to attend.
There are two very important things I have received from this college. The first is direction for my career in healthcare and the second is a better understanding of who I am as a person. I have learned that a career is not everything and that people are what make life worth living. Despite this epiphany, I still remain committed to my program. I realize that this degree can offer me a future that I did not have before. I am willing to accept the challenge of being a healthcare provider while facing the uncertainty of health care reform. I plan to incorporate into my practice the humanity that this program has taught me . I feel I will be very competent because I have learned a lot about myself. This knowledge will allow me to understand others in a way I never have before. It is a wonderful thing when a program can provide you with tools to be an ever evolving person not only in your career but also in your life.
Being far away from my family and also a single mother who is trying to make things right for her son, I feel as if I was welcomed into a new family when I started attending D'Youville College. The relationship between my professors and I as well as counselors and advisors have made me feel like part of a big family and not just a student. The professors know me by my first name and sometimes advice me through the difficult times of my life with being a single mother, a part time worker, and a full time student. They are very understand and are willing to work with students to help them succeed throughout the semester. The student-teacher relationship is of value to me the most because it’s what helps the student succeed in the long run and prepare them for their future career. Every student appreciates that a professional faculty member takes time in their busy schedules to have one-on-one advisement and support.
Although I haven't been in college for very long, I already feel like I've learned so much. Personally, I find it to be nothing like high school. Professors treat their students like adults; We respect eachother. That to me is very important because I feel that through this understanding, so to speak, I want to learn.
A nurse is someone who nurtures the sick back to health. A nurse is someone who a family can depend on when they cannot afford health care from a physician. A nurse is what I want to be for the reasons mentioned and many more. After working in a hospital as a unit secretary I knew that I wanted to a nurse. I will take pride in the fact that I can make someone feel better when they are in pain. Being able to help will make my job feel worth while. But, before I become a good nurse I must be a great student and I know what it will take to get me there. Therefore I dedicate many hours to studying so that I can one day be the best nurse I can be.