I have gotten a wonderful experience as to how everyone is normal and even professional people are going to make mistakes. I have learned to deal with all types of people and most of all i have learned to be on my own and handle sertain situations when upset.
I wanted to attand D'youville College to get the one-on-one attention offered at a small university, I feel that the teachers here are eager to help students succeed in whatever pathway they choose. I feel that the courses I have taken here have been just as challenging as the large university I had transferred from. I feel prepared to move on to the graduate level of my program after completing the pre-requisite courses here.
D'youville is very culturally diverse and the students here love to work in groups and help one another. I have had a great experience here so far.
I have certainly been blessed when I say I have gotten the most out of my college experience thus far. For example, not only have I excelled academically, but also physically in sports. First, my college has enabled me to have the experience of very small class sizes. For this reason, I have been fortunate enough to talk one-on-one with my professors both in class and outside the classroom. The class sizes at my college never exceed 30 students in the health professions. Not only that, but class discussion occurs everyday, just as it had in high school. Thanks to these class experiences, I am proud to say I have achieved a 4.0 GPA for my fall semester. Further on, I have also participated on the Varsity Tennis and Crew teams, which had allowed me to create stronger bonds with students who have the same interests as I. As I have excelled at both sports, I have also excelled socially with other students.
D'Youville College has been valuable to attend for numerous reasons. For example, not only have I been able to achieve an amazing GPA, but also an amazing lifestyle as a growing adult.
So far in my college experience I have gotten to learn things I have enjoyed learning. I have met new people that will be friends for a life time. D'Youville has a great Dietetics program, which is the program I am in now. I am a single mother trying to put myself through school to show my daughter that school is very important, which is something I wished my parents would have pushed when I was growing up. D'Youville has been a great help with the entire financial aid process. It has been valuable to attend college to succeed in the field I want to work in.
Thank you very much for your time
Out of my college experience I have learned that I should have went off to college rather than stay home. I feel that I could have gotten more out of being away at a school that I really wanted to attend. But overall my college experience has been the best experience I think anyone could ever think of. Being in college gives you way more freedom than when you are in high school and have to follow so many rules and most of all college is what you make it. It has been valuable for me to attend college because I know what it is that I want in life. I know that in order for me to live my life like i want to, then I have to attend school and put in a lot of hard work and dedication for me to do what it is that I want to do in life.
Since I have been to D'youville, I have grown so much as a person. Going away to school, allowed me to become more independent and more confident in my decision. I have also become more socially outgoing, which has helped me make more friends and get along better with others. Academically, I've struggled in certain subjects but through those struggle I learned a lot. One of those things I have learned is not cry over one subject. I learned to live in the moment and not let my school work to effect me emotionally. D'youville itself, has small classes and which allows more one on one time and I think that is very important. It is a very science based colleges so I have been introduced to a lot of different fields. Since the school is located in the city, there is a lot of opportunity to interact with other school and what they offer.
The most important thing I have learned in college is how to deal with the struggles of living on my own. I have had to buy all my textbooks, groceries, and come up with money for daily living expenses. Along with being a full time college student, I am a two sport athlete, and have held a part time work study job. Transferring to D'Youville college this year from a community college, I have had to meet new people in two totally different settings. In the classroom I have learned how to take notes better, how to interatct with others in lab, and have improved my study habits. Outside the classroom I have learned to manage my time, social skills, and how to be a part of a team while not knowing anyone. It is valuable to attend college because you are not only getting an education and degree, but learning everyday life skills that a person needs for the rest of their life.
I have gotten a great deal of experience from my college experience. Right now I am working towards getting my AA in Early Childhood education. In these classes I have learned how to not only be a better care taker, but a better parent. At Pierce we are taught to look at the whole child and get to know them each individually. Doing this makes every child feel important and loved. Instead of treateing a child as if they are bad, we look and see what the source of there bad behavior is. Then we can correct the problem and really help the child. I have a three year old daughter and these classes have taught me how to be more understanding with her when issues come up. Knowing the different stages children go through while they grow older, helps us also understand why they are acting out. As a teacher having understanding for children is one of the most important things. If we don't understand them, some children can get left behind, and that in not acceptable.
My college experience has been rewarding in a number of ways. I have learned a great deal about myself, my goals, and what I would like to achieve in my future. Attending college has encouraged me to become a stronger, more independent person. While going to college is often considered to be a requirement for many students today, I am only the second person in my family to pursue a higher education, and I plan to be the first to earn a Master's degree. I truly believe that my education will help me in my future, not only with finding a good job, but also because it has allowed me to grow and learn about myself, others, and society in general. College is a great learning experience that has allowed me to take advantage of many opportunities. I have met and befriended people from all walks of life and I have broadened my knowledge through classes, extracurricular activities, professors, and other students. Although the financial burden is substanstial, I look forward to graduating with a degree and the skills I will need to become a responsible citizen and a valuable member of society.
Attending college has allowed me to meet new people and has given me a lot of opportunities. I has not only educated me for my career choice, but also prepared me for difficult life decisions. I am really proud to be in the Nursing Workforce Diversity Program because it has provided me with great assistance towards my nursing career. I was also assigned a mentor and friend that I can consult with for any issues I may face. I have really enjoyed my college experience here at D'Youville College and I think everyone should feel the same way about the college they attend.